She acted like she didn't notice the chat at all, still staring at a screen like she didn't even know she was being recorded. ant1chr1s has joined chat. 1337 members reached. closing access portal.
Streams of Confidence 7
Dungeondragon: uh, i mean...** and just like that, the chat exploded into chat about how she was more than just a streamer, but a 'professional.'
Magical Nights: An Accidentally Dirty Night
Looking at the chat he soon found out why.
"no faggots in my chat," mark typed furiously. he clicked post and smiled, secure in the knowledge that his comment had helped save his stream chat from all-out homosexual invasion.
A Most Flexcellent Stream
'though chat, now we've landed one, the question becomes what do we do with him?'
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\*chats thoughts end\* "hey chat, can you wash my back please. i can't reach there", "uhhm.
A Tale Of Two Horses, Act 3.
This particular chat though is pretty standard, a female wolf who has just lost her mate of twenty years through illness, these are the kinds of chats that i excel in, and after three hours she seems a lot more happy and settled in herself, i tell her that
Live with Ko-69
Ko-69 was slowly rubbing over the sheath while they read through chat. "oh right, guess i might as well show off how big these are."
A Gift of Cock
The camera was off but there were already over a hundred people in the chat lobby waiting. a buzz of excitement was about in the chat, as cody leaned back to toy with his stump.
Pride Podcast
"n-no i didn't mean - oh look, the chat is responding to your slur, sydney." "m word privileges" he shrugged.
Ultraviolet Part 1
The chat-room was styled pink, with a cute little black paw in the corner as the symbol of the homepage symbol.
Cam Cuck
She told the chat, and david agreed with her.