Coming Together: The True Story of the Meeting of Thalyn and Numbi Part 1
I don't know if you're the cuddly type, or if you don't like to be touched...?" he said, almost nervously. i smiled, and lightly scritched his knee. "oh, i love cuddling. it's almost better than sex in some ways." "good. i can deal with that."
I Wanna Intimi(date) You.
Being all cuddly i mean, not, never mind." "pshh, i know what you meant, we just talked about this. and i'll make sure to be this cuddly, i'm not even really trying."
Finally, if you try to do this for real, get turned into fresh tasty kitty food and eaten for breakfast or get yourself complete addicted to some cuddly big felines, don't blame me!
Unexpected softness.
There was no way he could picture his life now without the tigress there to cuddly up with at night, her head resting on his chest with his arms wrapped around her pillow like body. "oh.... well that's good i guess.
Beary Valentine's Day
"to a certain big cuddly bear \<3" was scrawled along the front of the envelope in raspberry-scented red ink. thomas raised an eyebrow. "oh. i think i'm starting to figure it out. is it february 14th time, sweetheart?" the note stirred memories he'd had.
The Socks
He was so soft, so cuddly... he sat down on the linoleum floor, legs in the air as his toes filled out and became feline-looking paws, complete with claw sheathes and little pink pads on the soles.
2019-06-11 - Fantasy Game Theory 3: The Slurpening (Saethwr)
That, and he just wanted to face off against a snake of any sort while the kaiju was said to be more of a symbolic end boss than an actual challenge; too soft and cuddly, really.
Episode Ten: Milk and Tails
"you're always so cuddly after we m-make love." she giggled and he could feel it resonating in her back. "what can i say, you're nice to cuddle after making love." "i um, i n-noticed that you don't like to bathe alone v-very much."
Prompt 9: Spin the Bottle - The Leftovers
You look kind of cute and cuddly to me." _now why did she say that?_ she wonders to herself. she is talking too much again and saying the wrong things.
Winter Class Ch. 1
_ i quietly plug my ear buds into my phone and put them in my two, soft-and-cuddly ears, laying back onto my chair and closing my eyes. the music currently playing is "what does the fox say" ironically.
Our Lives
Then there's bruce, a muscular wolf towering over us at about 6'9, but on the inside, he's just a cuddly puppy.
Hot Shower
While we're both lovers of the hot tub (not many other places we can get comfortably naked and cuddly in the gym) we were both covered with mess from before, not to mention sweat, and decided a shower would be best for us.