Was, despite the spider bit added onto her... her long flowing white hair draped over her shoulders a little messy and tangled, but her smooth face, was quickly overridden by those terrible purple eyes... it was then, that gene knew he was dealing with a demoness
Three Short Transformations
Collars materialized around their necks, and the demoness smiled as she pulled back, leashes now extending out into her paw. luma giggled at the sight, while leah let out a soft moan, pulling her toy out and handing it over to lily.
Demon's Gambit (commission)
"demon!" she looked at him with a smile. "yonnerra." "you know what i am then?' "but of course i do." "do you fear me?" "do i look like i fear you?" "no. but then, i have no truck with demons.
The Adventures of Jacob Snow: Chapter 8
The demon falls backwards and covers its eyes as it shrieks and hisses at him.
An Assassin's family: The Gem and the Journey Home
Yet i knew that she was a demon so this was mild to compare to what she endured before. i heard her breathes becoming shallow but her smile stayed. "you know that she is probably mine."
How I Had My Little Happy Heresy
"no, no--you're lying, demon--" he said, regaining some of his passion and trying to break free. "i-i rebuke you in the name of g--!"
Unbearably Devoured
"this is almost turning into regular business--he'd better hurry up and have some exciting errand for me to run quick, before i start beating up other demons," she said to herself. ah shit... this was a succubus... what a freak.
NWO 2: European Union
Speeches were beginning to die down, and the demons quickly turned their attention to each other, the room quickly devolving in to a blood-fueled orgy of sex, violence, and impassioned discussion between demons.
Commission: Giving In
**This was a commission I did for R\_Jinx1 over on FA. This file subject to change if he requests fixes.** **A tormented Jixn weeps after the death of his mother, only to be confronted by a beautiful woman of suspect species. She shows him awful...
Playing with Fire
Blackened metal armor crafted to resemble the skull and bones of demons hugged against the body of the demonic mare about her chest and shoulders.
Snuff Star - Cheating Life Productions - 001
-common, do i look like some evil demon overlord?
Good Boys Get Treats
Surely a demon would never harm such a cute kobold! fortunately for evan, this one wouldn't dream of it.