Dust and Echoes - Epilogue
There's nothing left on this planet but dust and echoes, of mankind's futile struggles and victories.'..." "that's beautiful. i don't think i've heard that one before, and that's a rare thing."
Fates of the Unicorns - Echo
Loesh valued echo far more than any noble born unicorn. echo served well and with distinction and loesh wouldn't trade her for a dozen unicorns. echo said, "yes mistress!"
Chapter 1 - Echoes
Startled, he looked back as energetically as he could as he heard a smacking sound echo away from him and fade into the darkness. _'a...tail?'
Echoes of a Brother’s Sin
Writing is not only my greatest passion, but also my primary source of income, so please consider supporting me by getting a commission(click for info) or pledging on Patreon(click for link) to help more awesome stories come to life ^^***This...
"this is sanctuary hq attempting to reach sanctuary echo, do you read?" he asked. alison pressed the button to transmit. "this is alison taylor, chief administrator of sanctuary echo.
File #3 - "Echoes"
File #3 - "echoes" "i'm not sure what to make of this?" captain nicholson looked over to his first officer while gently sipping his mint tea in his small, office like ready room.
Echoes Chapter 12
#11 of echoes epilogue to echoes. chapter 12 once they exited jump, jack checked all readouts and saw that he had used up a majority of their fuel and that there was a leak.
Echoes Chapter 11
#10 of echoes terra's group reaches the reactor to find that the artificial intelligence that monitored the station had been shut down for a time, and begin a reactor breach within the station. will they escape in time?
Echoes Chapter 10
#9 of echoes the infected are overwhelming the station, the group comes up with a plan that might just work.
Echoes II: Elaria
#1 of echoes ii here is the official prologue to echoes ii: elaria! hope you guys enjoy!
Introducing Echo the Drashophin
Backstory/description to my alternate character echo. this story was written up by ruthofpern, and the ref sheet to this character was drawn up from this backstory.
Echoes Chapter 7
#7 of echoes the parasite has broken containment, admiral whitcomb has enacted quarantine meaning that any ship attempting to leave the station is to be destroyed immediately.