An Unknown Friend: Part 2
Apparently firefighters just put it out." i say looking at the tv. swift walks over and sits on the lounge next to me. [firefighters have just found a body within the house. the house was burning for so long that the flesh had burnt off the bones.
A Firefighter to the rescue — 12 — Their second-best Day
#12 of firefighter the last one of the series and a happy end :). have fun reading a disclaimer: all publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners.
A Firefighter to the rescue — 05 — Training the Aura Sight
#5 of firefighter another day, another story ;). have fun reading. a disclaimer: all publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. the original characters and plot are the property of the author.
Tales From Anthracite City 3: Welcome to Anthracite City part 1
If the two of them went straight there now there was no question they'd end up in a firefight they wouldn't be able to win.
Young Love - Chapter 13
Another firefighter was walking towards the lion when he saw him holding a bundle of a white blanket, the inside moving slightly. "wait . . . platinum, did you-" "yes. the parents were already dead when i found him."
Project Apotheon cast
Havik, tie and brutus are a trio of best friends, going out and partying together on days off and always covering everyones back in a firefight on the job.
Here, There Be Dragons - Ch. 5 - Catbulgar and a Stowaway
The firefighters filed out and closed the door behind them. janet breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at the boot tracks.
Unstable Serenity - Chapter 5, Born to Die
As she tried to desperately escape the firefight, she was taken hostage and used as a shield for one of the gangs. "at least the gangs had to courtesy to try not to kill her, but after the firefight, she was kidnapped. do you know what they did to her?"
chapter 1, meet Kim
firefighters go to stop fire before everything burns down. kim helps all the handsome, strong firefighters who breathe in to much smoke. "hmmmm, maybe i should get moving then." all of a sudden the a window on the monitor opens.
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 1, Part 1, "I'll End Them Myself If I Have To"
_"i'm the 1% of all firefighters in america...i've done it all, from ems to high stress calls to underwater rescue dives.
Working Bears 2: The Fox and the Firefighter
. ## working bears 2 - the fox and the firefighter ### by cyberklaw "i love you. so damn much..."
May - Birthday Mayday
She had stared down the barrel of guns, leaped out of planes, and run through firefights and not flinched. but looking at this rat... she felt terror. and she did not know why.