Chapter 7: The New Beginning part I
Everyone else that you see is in some way related to each other, though because our bloodline change after the ceremony, there is no risk of inbreeding or defects like your race occasionaly experiences."
Commission - The Dancing Darknut
The answer, as it turned out, had to do with the fact that as he aged out of his puphood his eyes turned from their normal crimson colors to a deep blue, a feature which was normally an impossible occurrence amongst the darknuts, unless inbreeding had come
The Princess and the Woodsman
We don't tolerate inbreeding like ye royals do" he said as he started blowing into the fire. "when will she start to...change? when she becomes of age? does it happen all at once or is it slow like how a boy becomes man and a girl becomes a lady?"
Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 4: Retribution.
His eyes were differently coloured, suggesting genetic manipulation, inbreeding, or just random chance. the right was golden and the left an icy blue. he looked around the same age as nitsuj, that is, twentyish.
Breeding Stock- An Arctic Fox MTF TF/TG
"that's good to hear; we certainly need some fresh genes in there, they're getting dangerously close to inbreeding depression. your enrollment will be a big help; robert can fetch the reshuffling injection now." this is happening, it's really happening.
Remedy 3
Genetic lineage from palaven south-east quadrant, no sign of inbreeding. alcohol addiction, liver damage compromising any organ collection. malnourishment, deficiency in iron and potassium. arm fracture at age 13 - healed withou[..]
Inductions and Educations
'cuz of inbreeding and stuff, right?" she finally replied, looking thoughtful. i nodded. "exactly. inbreeding's no joke - lack of genetic diversity can be a slow killer for a community.
He managed to scrawl, "nat sel avoids inbreeding; cloning is like inbreeding; recessive genes." he hoped that would remind him. "what about you?" someone asked in the back. "what about me?" "who was your mother and father?"
Shifting Consequences--Chapter 45: Surprise Continuation
"by the power of the inbreeding of the habsburg royal line, i will help you." glenn and bella laugh. glenn says, "i read about that. the last king of that line was pretty messed up."
Tribe: Prologue
Any female offspring born to the subordinate females are then traded between packs, in what appears to be a concerted effort to minimize inbreeding.
Untitled - Part 1 - Aurinieth
Every so often we dragons need some new genes in our race otherwise we'd have a huge inbreeding problem, since the dragon population has never been higher than thirty or so for the last few hundred years.
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 24: Married
Must be bad inbreeding or something of the sort. but of course it was when you ate 99% of your offspring. but hey, who was she to judge?).