Catching a Tigress Redone part 3

Set after then end of kung fu panda basic stuart was a close friend of tigress, when they were in the orphanage. when stuart was then adopted by heart wrestling family. an she was adopted by shifu.

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A new beginning

I remember the title "cubby" just stuck to me when he called me it "okay you said smiling then i walked you up to the orphanage and changed you.

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School of Dominants - Intro

He was to leave the orphanage to enter high-school, at the age of 14. this story is about his life in high-school. he didn't know how to get along with other people. moving from the orphanage to the school made no significant difference for him.

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Daemon Hunter Moushigo - Chapter 2

It was before you went to the orphanage." mune's eyes widen. "what... tell me please. everything before the orphanage. i can't remember any of it. please tell me." "i barely know anything. i found you and brought you to the hospital...

Aviation Dreams Chapter 1 - The Shop

However the orphanage wouldnt let him and now he was too busy holding down a job. he had been found in a basket on a train from melton constable as a baby and had been raised by the city's orphanage.

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New Family: Chapter 1

At the orphanage he'd maybe get attention on his birthday, but nothing of that magnitude. lucas devoured the food set before him with a shocking speed. grace couldn't help but laugh at the little cat's appetite.

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Chronicles of Lunaria: Prologue

Sara was a sixteen-year-old cat fur who had been working and living at the orphanage all her life. she had bright yellow fur and piercing slit amber eyes. her mother, elizabeth, was the headmistress of the orphanage making it not that odd at all.

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The Tale of Durante and Angelus Ch 1: A Place to Call Home, Part 6

They tagged along and by the time we knew they were following us we were already out of the orphanage so we let them come with us.

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Unlike with houses, the orphanage and other public places bounty hunters had free reign to enter at any time, night or day.

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Reptilian Trinity Chapter 7

During your time in the orphanage, how is it that we never crossed paths? only one orphanage in coastal city and given i ended up there as an newborn i would have been in a position to cross paths with you sooner than we did."

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A New Brother

"uh, my dream. . .it was about. . .you guys putting me back in the orphanage and leaving me. . ." "is that all?" "i've. . .been in two other families, and moved from orphanage to orphanage but i don't want to. i don't want to lose this.

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