The Wayward Mate
I want us to continue, but not for my sake, for my youngling's sake. this is going to hurt them a lot, but i can't hold you to this if you can save your mateship." tini paused as she watched him pack a few things.
Chapter 7: Worlds Divided
We thought he was tired, given the burden given to his youngling body. by that time, yorloka's souls became restless, and something's wrong."
Guro Challenge #27: Extra Limbs
He dreams of being a mouse, a normal one, not twice the other younglings' height with razor fangs and maturing musk, but the dibbuns point at the surplus claw and the game is up, they know it's him.
The Volantis Corps-Ch4
You aren't a pup anymore; you're a youngling, act like it." i say to him before setting him down, "wake up your father when it's time for ballet, or if you're scared, ask jay to do it." "ok, daddy," he replies and runs off.
Autumn Woods - Chapter Six
They never showed any problems in their marriage even though i learned that it started when i was just a youngling. "they started to date other people but they remained married for my, and my sister's, sake.
Peeping Vixen
He knew it was wrong, illegal even, but the youngling had already spied on him enjoying his fantasy. "i cannot leave the house without alerting some one."
Night of Tales
"gwen, while i detest the idea of telling you to just kill younglings; there is a reason you should just destroy any dragon eggs you find in your travels.
lvl1 hero slave pt10 (repost)
I can tell she is a youngling that has not been fully put in her cast at a glance. her mind is not disciplined. i move to him as he smiled and i look at her almost clinging to him as if not to let him go.
Cold Start - Ice
Screamed ash, rushing over to nye's fallen form and casually backhanding the last of the stance warband younglings that they were fighting against for the final round, sending him in a tumble to the ground.
Arrival and Surprises
A few days later the three of them got another surprise as a derlenian male and youngling knocked on their door. once they opened it the three of them immediately knew it was altair, and irina.
Lonely Oak Chapter 28
A bird--a hawk maybe--sat upon the tree with younglings, chirping and greeting the day. the younglings hopped about the branch of their home, hesitant but brave.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 36: Trouble Me (We Go Down Together Part II)
The youngling watched as staff was soon led away from his hut by the two elderly females who had claimed him only days ago.