Jackie-The-Junior First-Day-Part-One

Jackie-The-Junior First-Day-Part-One Why does the fucking women's school uniform have to be a first to second knee-length dress and a plain color only sleeveless blouse!? Sitting in the front passenger side seat of mom's car with Christine sits behind...

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Somebody's Hero (Chapter 2)

"crazy teacher actually learn how to explain anything?" "yep." "hard to believe. makes me wonder how people could survive a full four years of that." "mm."

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How it Ends.

By the second, rumors had spread of this supposedly crazy teacher, the naga with eyes in the back of his head, who always caught cheaters, who knew the moment you pulled out your phone, who privately reached out to help struggling students before they even

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Chapter 3: Life get's really complicated

He smiled at me and i said "ok so why's the crazy teacher follow a student home?" he glared at me after that and i said "alright, since that's so touchy what are s class students?"

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first attempt at story, let me know what you think

The class ended early due to the crazy teacher flipping. as the students all started to pack their stuff away kara turned around and smiled at chuck. chuck become really shy and started blushing, finally he had his chance to speak to her.


first attempt at story, let me know what you think

The class ended early due to the crazy teacher flipping. as the students all started to pack their stuff away kara turned around and smiled at chuck. chuck become really shy and started blushing, finally he had his chance to speak to her.


Rose League School Pt. 1: Release and Recompense

Drake is confused, but just nods drake shrugs off the odd encounter with the crazy teacher, and immediately claims a workbench for himself.

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The Fugitive

crazy teachers, making them practice in such a crappy weather.... a harsh whistle screamed in the heavy rain.

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