2013 Nov 13

The woods are quiet at night, but not silent. I can hear two owls if I move south of where I sit, but there's less of a barrier over there, between the path and traffic. The last thing I need right now is a reminder of civilization. The moon is...

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The Dead Man's Mouth

The stories say that you have to rub a magic lamp to get them to come out, but that's only half true. it doesn't have to be a bottle. it can be anything. do you want proof? there's a street at the edge of town where nobody lives.

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Mara's Story

It was half true; had any other cat curled up on his bed, he would have gently deposited them onto the floor. not mara, she alone he permitted. she was his favorite. still, it was too warm for her to get upset.

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My New Life Ch2

"its half true. hey, i thought you were staight." aaron said. "bi, but i'd go fully gay just to be with you." i said.

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Seeing White, Part 1

Well, that was half true as well. tamping his pipe with a claw, vitak stood, scabbard clacking against his chair. "no one goes outside tonight, madek. for any reason. understood?" he made no reply, only nodded.

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Camp Highview

This was half true, gorge was wearing a fall coat and scarf, but that was all.

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Soul Rebellion #04: Punishment

It turns out that those rumors regarding the suzaku family were simply half true" both ame and harusame both looked at him confused, "half true?"

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The Perfect Harmony II: A Major Chord Turned Minor

This was only half true, as we both knew that the real reason was my father. cruel and vindictive, my father wanted me to join the military, and greatly disapproved of everything about me.

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The first time.

Because you are desperate, i answer, even though it is half true. if it made fredrick happy, i would do it no matter what it was. i might need help, both now and for my crush on fredrick. i heard a rustling sound nearby.

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Chapter 13 Something Called Love

He couldn't pretend it wasn't half-true. jonathan half-wished elsie was there. much as he loathed her, her presence always comforted him whenever he and his father were at odds: it was nice to feel as if someone was on _his_side.

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Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 01

She and her companions had been hiding out in the cadrey museum for almost two weeks, and though she, her partner chase, lumia the half true blood computer hacker, and even fitz, would periodically search the city for a way to escape so that they can begin

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 8

Which is half true." "will we meet opposition on the sirius planets?" echoed camilla. "that may be. someone will make himself known on sirius a," anubis interjected. "he will take us to sirius b.

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