Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 5: The Impossible Is Just The Unthinkable Lying In Wait
My she beast said placing her paw on my shoulder as we took in the view of a huge rift valley in the distance and a large cloud moving overhead. "although beatrice's birth was the most difficult thing i have experienced."
The Jungle Fever
"a story on the mating rituals of certain rift valley tribes. print those photos and send them up to the layout room." "what? all of them? there must be, um, hundreds here, sir. all the same." "you heard me.
Freelancers, Chapter Seventeen
"before you guys got here, one of the vids we saw showed an enormous mass accelerator weapon that blasted clean through _eight_reapers and carved the great rift valley into the surface of klendagon." "you actually saw what did that?"
Freelancers, Chapter Fifteen
"yes, before the formation of the great rift valley." dr. renus rubbed his hands together and his eyelids flicked upward over his enormous, black eyes several times. "we're about to see how it happened."
Chapter 10: Trade Routes of the South
Chapter 10: trade routes of the south the road east emerges from the forest into a vast sweeping rift valley between to mountain ranges. the river north of town meets the road her and cuts its way elegantly down the center of of the valley.
The Wildlands: Attria (Chapter 4: Trade routes of the south)
The road east emerges from the forest into a vast sweeping rift valley between to mountain ranges. the river north of town meets the road her and cuts its way elegantly down the center of of the valley.