Deals with a Demon
**Deals with a Demon By Draconicon For Frysco** The rainbow winged gryphon walked from one side of his living room to the other, his eyes glued to the floor. His furry clawed toes stuck on some of the carpet, forcing him to tug his feet up a...
Hypnovember 2023 - Day 18: Public (Claimed by Alfa)
His drowsy, monotonous voice attracted some other people's gazes, who seemed slightly weirded out by the sight.
The Love of my Fathers chapter:2
It turned me on as his slightly weird tasting urine streamed into my mouth.
Summer Job [Cum inflation]
A deep voice answered, slightly weird and unsettling, but hunter decided to go through with it. "umm... sure! i'm available all day tomorrow." he answered slightly nervously, the 50$ per hour floating in front of him. "great.
Life In Training - Chapter 4 - New angles of perspective
It felt slightly weird being penetrated slowly while giving morton a blowjob, but the pleasure was more tremendous than ever. ventrell slowly pushed his whole length into me, groaning as he hilted me; "tight ass mate." he grunted.
Blind Date
She had slightly weird hands, four fingers and a thumb like everyone else but her fingertips were a little strange, what with the fingernails. if he needed to stare it'd be easier to let him get acclimatized, after all.
Even Saints Sin Chapter 1- A Rude Interlude
Her eyes looked slightly weird as her left was yellow and the right red. the rabbit placed both her hands on her hips, which shamelessly exposed her lovely curves, and sighed. "i was really hoping you would arrive much later.
Ian Entry #1 - Date Number Two: Absolution - Part 1
I know it's slightly weird, but absolution's known for being slightly eccentric. even the furs that lived here dressed differently than the rest of the country. you could say we had our own culture, distinct from the rest of the nation as well.
Into the Mount
John moved closer, and lightly rubbed his cheek against bren's, his stubbly face feeling slightly weird against the smoothness of bren's feathers.
Her father's mate
Sara was getting aroused and was feeling slightly weird about it. arius was so sexy she coaxed herself into continuing staring. she couldn't wait for him to turn over or change positions so should could get a glimpse of his dragon rod.
Teejay's Wish
Teejay thought that the feminine moans coming from the voice of a grown ass man was slightly weird, but... surprisingly the sexiest thing he ever heard any guy said in his entire life. "ohh my gaahh ?...
Going Back
Everyone just cheered the two on as they made out in the water in front of everyone, the act having a slightly weird voyeuristic feel to the outsider wolf. eventually they all climbed out of the water, standing around naked and dripping wet at the cars.