Top to Bottom

Kyler closed his helmet visor. He stared forward, rocking back and forth. Slow, deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the maw. On the count of three: one ... two ... three! The otter launched off the block. He crossed the timing line,...

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Top and Bottom

"Always bills." Karen muttered skimming through the small stack of mail before slapping it down onto the wooden kitchen table. Arriving home was usually a little more exciting, but the mailbox by the road didn't seem to care a minute ago. Her purse...

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Top Or Bottom?

Hello, and welcome to Hockey Hunk! Rory's misadventures continue in this chapter, and as always, comments are most welcome, so that I can have a proper gauge on how the story is faring. Also note that Toumal has added the new "watch this...

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The Reunion Moon (Sequel)

The Reunion Moon (c) Charn 2023 The sun was setting over the savanna as Razor sped through the tall grass. He had been stripped of all of his tools, his jewelry, everything save for a snug black jockstrap He had two options - the copse of...

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First time pred...

First time pred... Joeb strolled down the short hallway, his big cloven hooves making a loud _'Click Clack'_ as he walked down to the steam room. The huge black bull had just finished his work out, and now wanted to relax with a nice long steam....

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Seeing Stripes: Top to Bottom - Curiosity

Surprise! Surprise! Another story incoming. I do apologize for the SUPER long delay between posts but I've been in a creative funk for a while now and have hit several road blocks. I'm still working on revising A Bully Story. I actually printed out...

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Seeing Stripes: Top to Bottom - Official

This is quite the surprise, two stories in one month from me! LOL, I didn't expect [Lizard Heat]( to do so well and I want to thank everyone that gave it a try by reading it and for all the faves and votes!!! :3 I've...

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From Top To Bottom - Part 1 of 3

Max Glaw went over his gear again, checking the straps and buckles of his armour while the other members of his team smartly deployed from the van behind him. Giving his stun shotgun one last all-over, he received their captain's Go signal. Swiftly the...

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From Top To Bottom - Part 3 of 3

Robinson Bruce Kreet had left on silent soles. Max still stood in front of the water cooler, another cup in hand, contemplating Kreet's offer. If that was his chance, so be it. He took the chip and slotted it into his wrist socket. Data uploaded into...

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From Top To Bottom - Part 2 of 3

The ride back to HQ was uncomfortable, but arriving was worse. Colleagues called out for Max and teased him in the showers. When he passed by the canteen, cheers and wild applause greeted him. He saw himself on the main screen, cumming gloriously,...

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You Get What You Play For

Two black wolves sat across from each other at the dinner table. Five foot eleven, solid black fur and piercing green eyes - both of them had similar attributes. Then again, that is to be expected of brothers of the same litter. That being said, they...

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[SNEAK PEEK] Gym-Rat Bait

**Gym-Rat Bait** **By Limewah** **Patron Reward for BluKodi (September 2023) 18+** **SNEAK PEEK** "Need some help li'l guy? You really should have a spotter, y'know." "...for forearm curls?" "Yeah, totally, your technique's all...

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