Hierarchy of fur part 1
Hooray, the semi-long awaited 4th chapter in my island of fur series. Beware; while there is no gore or real torture, the "main" character is not a friend of humans. If you have been following the story so far, i would like to thank you. Even though...
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Ten
"you're actually planning on leading a war against humanity?" porter asked, stunned. he'd known it was true all along, but hearing it come directly from the arch-mythic's mouth finally hammered home just how real the situation was.
Only Human (revised), Chapter 3
Not a war against humans though, i'm not even sure humans were fighting either side." he closed his eyes thinking for a moment. "they were all too real though.
Goddess of the Throne: Abrupt Awakening
It was almost as if animal instinct warred against human reasoning. idly she wondered if this was normal even for others of whatever she was.
Star Trek /Astro Boy: Paw Print
This is why they lost four wars against humans. they hate women...no...more like fear them. kim-ritt: dishonorable curs! human females don't fight fair! cora: it's that fact that we can fight that upsets the kzinti.
The Fall and Rise of Conan
In the mean time, the serpent men waged a war against humanity, hoping to eradicate humanity and become the dominant species. conan made it his life's mission to thwart their efforts and protect humanity.
Toby's Super Awesome Guide to many Werewolf Things
It is a declaration of war against humans and/or genocide. this is spurred from the tale of when fenrir breaks free from his fetters, and he will go on a rampage and kill everything including odin.
Just another day
Ironically, despite the war against humans he had fought in, his first true love had been none other than a human.she had helped him learn to love again after the war and now she was gone and all he had was... rage, frustration, sadness?
Drew and His Captors (Part 3): An Unexpected Discovery
All the research he'd done that would help the hybrids live longer and be more effective in their war against humanity. drew's hands shook as he held the small box and he chewed his lip, conflicted.
The Search is Over-Chapter 33
He answered with a grin, "to have all my fellow dragons living in the dragon city join me, to wage war against humanity." i frowned at his words, wondering how's he planning to do that.
The Search is Over-Chapter 34
To use every one of them for war against humanity. for his own satisfaction. this is...horrible. dragons aren't monsters, but marcus is going to make them act like they are. this is wrong. i trembled at my own thought.
The Search is Over-Chapter 35
I sighed, "yes, and he wants to start his war against humanity." sierra looked at me and waved a paw, "i'm sure that his spell's not powerful enough to make it work yet.