Corrupted in Aegis Mountain: Chapter 3
The archen's face turned into a smile. "daww~ no worries frost! it's just been a long while since i've heard someone call our town that name."
Past Forward
[or ain'tcha ever seen an archen before?] [archen?] my gaze went from her to my temporary cave mate, who seemed to be wrestling with what looked to be a small tree.
Ethan's Promise
"correct again, mister archen. last question for the class, then we'll start our test: who isâ€" but a group of students were committed to a loud conversation that cut dad off.
An Unlikely Friendship
I could tell that the one she wore was indeed an archen necklace. they were given as a gift to every person born on arc, to mark them as an archen. those of us from arc never removed the necklaces, and we used them to recognize each other.
An act of jealousy
With one hand, he reached out and lifted her lover's archen necklace from where it lay on her chest, beside her dog tags and brushed his thumb across it. "i never would have thought you would have sunk so low kate."
A Deadly Game
And losing my home the way i did had made me, and practically every other archen, so angry that we had gladly marched to war, enlisting in droves.
Its All in the Details
Clad only in my dog tags and katy's archen necklace, i hurried into the next room, ahead of the rest of the pilots. the next room was a shower facility, and not vapor showers either.
Of Love and Treason
According to the traditions of the inhabitants of arc, giving one's archen necklace to another was a gesture of love that meant almost as much as an engagement ring. "i love you katy, and i want you to have it.
Luna and Thief Ch: 14
"i found archen fossils over here." a voice called and while everything was being uncovered... "hey what is that? logan! over here!" logan looked over to a young woman who picked up a fossil - or at least it looked like one.