A Good Night's Sleep [Collab/Trade]
Moments of silence passed until ammo simply smiled at doru and rested her head on his shoulder.
Where One Stands
"lord doru?! what are you doing?!" i yelled as my yukata was pulled away leaving me with nothing. i quickly tried covering my shame but lord doru pulled my hands away, exposing my feminine genitals.
Commission: Laughing Stocks
doru didn't have even close to the same resistance as belph, but when you flirt the way he can you don't really need it. "still want to handle all i've got?"
Holding on
One of the creatures lashed out is tongue making it extend it slapped the gun right out of doru's hands. doru yelled, "they took my gun." veemon pushed up, "here take over."
My Past, My Sins Ch 6
\*you oddly have a fairth from doru araeba, made a statue with an urgal in perfect detail to eragons father, and have a strange air around you.
OC: Hadei O
doru" in okinawa with the saying "here lies min ki o" along with "seoung - 7; khangpae -0." along with names of the bosses that he managed to indirectly have executed by the korean government.
OC: Hadei O
doru" in okinawa with the saying "here lies min ki o" along with "seoung - 7; khangpae -0." , along with names of the bosses that he managed to indirectly have executed by the korean government.
The Full Moon Festival
She fidgeted before returning to n'doru. her feet felt like they were floating over the ground. n'doru noticed the fluttery topaz standing next to him with a dreamy look in her eyes. "you like him." he smiled.
Ayame's Chronicles- A Change on the Wind, Part 2
doru... dorumonnnn!!!" a light foreign to her beams out from her digivice, shooting straight for dorumon.
Chapter 2 Ancient Weapon
#2 of the new lifes "hello guys, this is the second chapter, we hope this story was better than the first chapter."," dvils as usual, always like that."," what you mean doru!?"
Chapter 3 It's Begin
," what you mean doru?"," nothing."," anyway this is the story that all of you want to read, if not i also don't care."," you don't care it but i care it dvils."," ugh, up to you doru, i would lose if this keep going."," hehehe."
My Past, My Sins CH 5
For years brand had lived with this painful memory, the scene of galbatorix walking up the steps of doru araeba his with his mind and body on the verge of death. the way his eyes, dried of tears, were red from the death of his dragon.