[R]Can you keep a secret?
goten: thank you!
Getting Really Into Goku
Avi and his friends gohan and goten get to meet goku as a child thanks to an accident involving the hyperbolic time chamber. one day, avi, goten and gohan were walking along, minding their own business, with goten complaining about being hungry.
Dragon Ball Fusions: Tekka's Saga 1
goten saw his mom do this once. she seemed to like it."
Fanfic: DBZ - Freiza's Return
"goten! watch your language! where did you learn a word like that away?" asked goku. goten blushed, realizing he was in trouble. "i'm sorry! i heard it from yamcha, that's what he called her..."
Tales of the Twin Schools Chapter 8
Alvin even took several shots to the face and chest from goten, cum dripping off his pink nose and spilling down his beige fur.
Dragon Ball Fusions: Tekka's Saga 2
goten shouted, slamming through a cinder block wall in an explosion of dust and concrete shrapnel. the wall collapsed in upon him with a loud clatter. "goten! you okay?!"
Eye of The Storm
She had goten drunk and slept with both sharon and elicia, upon realizing this she started to flare up with embarassment a women of her stature sleeping with two amazons was something she thought that would never happen to her as her thoughts began to race
Everything or Nothing Chapter 10-Payback time
After he had been done with the boy and had dressed again he had goten a message from dr samael muslimovich, the one who designed and developed the serum.
creepy pasta idea 2
"oh come on dad we havent even goten to the good part." "well ok" he said trying to compromise. "you guys can watch a couple more but thats it then you have to go to bed." "can we fast forward to a good one?" "well ok i guess."
Partners - Chapter 1
Do you know how many offers ive goten for a life away from the mercinary buisness? while they said they could offer me anything and everything the one thing that they don't have, the person i cherish above all else. you."
A Tale of Two Lovers Chapter 2
Hello every one thank you for readng first off i would like to say that any criticism is greatly appreciated more than people telling me how great i am also this is my first time writeing yiff so i tried my best and i may have goten to tired near the end
Good Brother's Always Share
Her lips were bright pink and enflamed; having his dick in her mouth had really goten her hot. jake could not wait, he leaned in and ran his tongue over her swollen lips and soft fur.