Zonktober 2022 - 6. Metronome

"don't think about the metronome. ignore it. don't think about the metronome, blu." it was easier said than done, but blu tried to do it. he put every ounce of his mind power on the task of ignoring the metronome.

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Cloudy Waters Mansion - Part 2

Roya yawned, grabbing the small metronome from his bedside. he put the thing to 30bpm and let it tick from side to side. the fox shut his eyes and concentrated on the slow, monotone ticking of the metronome.

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Hypnovember Day 14 - Metronome

The metronome's motif was very apparent inside silas' office. the clock on the wall was shaped like a fan or a sea-shell, and its hands slowly swung from left to right rather than going all the way around.

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Cloudy Waters Mansion - Part 3

The fox nodded, grabbed his metronome and turned it on. "alright. i want you to try to focus on the ticking on the metronome. focus on the slow ticks, synchronizing your breaths with the tick. in, out. in, out. you think you can do that?"

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Cloudy Waters Mansion - Part 1

He nodded, and pressed the button on the metronome, which started beating at a surprisingly low bpm. "alright, so what i want you to do is close your eyes and listen to the metronome, alright?

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Never before have i been so capable to be able to compare my bedroom clock... to a hideous metronome.

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Music and Passion_Teil II

Es ist achtzehn uhr als er auf dem lieferantenparkplatz des metronoms seinen wagen abstellte und anfing sein equipment auszuladen.

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[Short]: Brown Coffee

In your office i hear the ticking of your metronome. it's a familiar sensation. tick, tock, how simple is its binary experience.

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Music and Passion_Teil I

Jog hat morgen wieder einen seiner legendären auftritte im metronom einem der größten clubs hier in der gegend, mit über 6 dancefloors sogar der größte mitteleuropas.

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August 6: Let’s take Ghost Pictures!

But as we approached the music room, we heard the metronome inside ticking. chills ran down to my spine once more and the two of us were frozen in place.


First Hand Experience

A voice speaking to him from what sounded all at once like close by and a million miles away, and alongside it the rhythmic sound of a metronome ticking away. tick. tick. tick. tick. _tick_. talosar blinked.

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Uneventful Morning

The familiar metronomic sound of the orca's heart greeted his ears as the post-meal gurgles rang all around him. he sighed and relaxed, wanting to stay in that safe gut for a long time.

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