The Shallow End

**"the shallow end"** by k.m. hirosaki ([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)) * * * i could tell that lyle was gay the first time i saw him. not just kind of gay or a little gay, either--i'm talking, like, full-on gay.

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Shallow Waters

Basic warning, don't be under 18 if you read this or don't like gay yiffy stories. Also a Dhole is a Indian wild dog, or a red dog. Here's a wiki page []( As for the...

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The Depth of Shallowness

Danny said with a shallow sigh, his climax tapering off to a lazy trickle. the words stung but, only because clyde knew they were true. "can i still blow you?"

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Shallow Goals

I finished off my soda, letting the waters of the shallow end flick at my dangling feet, choppy as they were.

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The Past is the Opposite Shallows

The past is the opposite shallows of a river at flood to the lip. and swift do the rapids swallow. and swift are the tides that rip.

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Trying Him On For Size

Josephine and Karen were enjoying their weekly Sunday brunch, at the usual place downtown. Jo, a brown furred, zaftig mouse was paying this time around, and the pair were discussing the week's events, as they were known to do. Karen, a russet furred...

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Open Ocean

There we go._ bob your head, shoot to your tail, shallows on the left, snap it. shallows on the left, snap it, go up for air. _look behind you- can you see it?_ no, but it's there. shallows on the left, breach for air.


A Dragon's Perfect Birthday

shallow-shore smelled like seaweed washed up on a sun-baked sea shore, with a rich undertone of fish and brine.

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The winds that touch the lake, that rough its surface, the people whom you meet, the days through whom you live... the deeps you keep to yourself and the shallows you reveal, the shallows where people play and the deeps where the brave ones swim... all these

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Common Plain

He swam out toward the middle of the shallow pool. the woman eased her way toward the shallower water and leaned back on her elbows and watched as the dolphin leisurely swam back and forth, their mutual stares locked in a visual embrace.

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Spawning Season, part 1

They all crowded the shallows around the lake, filling the waters with writhing masses of animals. carry pulled herself onto the shallow gravel bar near the shore, surrounded by other salmon.

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Spanke and the Tribals 2

He lay there in the shallow water on all fours as obsidian mounted him doggy style, and pressed his huge cock into the young half-breed's ass.

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