My Past, My Sins Ch 6
The urgal bowed with a large grin on his face before handing the tablet to him.
Off To Tronjheim
The urgal lifted his square chin, baring his throat. " you are firesword. you must not die, or the urgals will not have our revenge against galbatorix!" eragon nodded, understanding his reason.
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He was the largest urgal i have ever seen that was not kull-born. he's as strong as any urgal and possesses the stereotypical personality of his kind: crazy, hot-tempered and glory-hungry.
A bit of a story...
urgals on the other hand...they're just hard to kill. i can hit them, no doubt about it, but just about any wound that i can inflict on them is non-fatal. i use them more as an act more than anything else. the crowds love seeing urgals die.
Crossing of Paths, Vergence of Destiny, the Force of Change. Eragon Fan Fiction
Durza lashed his hand up as the urgal and kull lunged at him.
Saphira's Secret
R were spoken among many heroes who lasted the great fight with the urgals. eragon stood proudly on a table in the middle of the tavern, speaking of his story on slaying the shade, durza.
Eragon:Away From It All, On A Cliff, Where No One, No One Can Find Us...
He could feel the life blood of this dragon flowing throughout saphira's body, her great heart pounding with enough power to scare even the most fearsome of urgals.
Kapitel 5: Das Ende der Schlacht und ein böses Erwachen
Die vereinte streitmacht aus menschen, elfen, zwergen, urgals und wehrkatzen rückte immer weiter vor, doch sie stießen auf massiven widerstand in der ganzen stadt.
A Dragons fear A Riders Invitation.
"oh urgal balls, here it comes." nevre said "eragon step back." arya said brandishing a short-sword "arya wait. this is nevre he helped me save saphira from shruikan and helped me and saphira finally be able to truly be together."
Kapitel 2: Die Schlacht beginnt
Dort begannen sie in beide richtungen die verbliebenen soldaten in die flucht zu schlagen oder zu töten, während unten an der mauer die urgals die schweren belagerungsleitern an die mauer lehnten.
My Past, My Sins CH 5
"bandits roamed the land in shadows, urgals attacked villages, and men did not trust anyone. we became greedy so i ended it all." he suddenly shrugged at the bottom of the steps.
Kapitel 6: Politik und Leidenschaft
Weder die zwerge noch die elfen oder die urgals würden bei der wahl eines neuen königs einflüsse von außen zulassen." „oui", brummte orik, „da hat sie recht."