The Serenade of Seed CH.1

A low, hearty groan rumbled from deep within vik's chest, vibrating through the mount. shorr could feel it, a release of all the air vik's lungs could hold.

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A Demonic Challenge - Chapter 4

Reaching back vik pulled his second in command close and kissed him, moaning into his mouth as he came.

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Fleece Collar - Kyle

._' picture commissioned from [vik]( on ib.

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Thunder In Paradise (Chapter 1)

Thunder closes her locker and smiles over at vik, trying to see his face. bryan closes his locker also, moving around viktor to thunder,"and i live on the left side of you. ya know, after the other house."

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Thunder In Paradise. (Chapter 2)

"shut up man, it's ju- hey vik." bryan looks over at viktor coming up behind them. "but it's just.. i can't get her off of my mind." "why don't you ask her out then?" "i am, after school." bryan grinned,"vik helped me out with that."

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Joining the Team: Chapter 2: Adapting

\<vik i...\> he turned back to the totodile but was cut off as he lunged. the croc gripped his head and locked his lips around kyrio's.

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Rhotu and Riley

vik shouted back. after waiting a few moments the wolf sighed in relief. "at last..."

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The back alley

Lyn said, "hey vik, there's a mattress over here, this will do!"  

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Thunder In Paradise. (Chapter 3)

Thunder smiles and rolls her eyes, turning over to viktor as he is eating quietly,"hey vik, what're you gonna do over break?" viktor jumps slightly and looks to her, smiling politely,"i dunno.. probably going to stay home and play my games."

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Aion's Rebirth - Kouta, Chapter 1

"uh, vik..." surri muttered. vikhor huffed, however. "shut it. no, you don't even get to touch yourself to her tonight now. here, have your pictures back..."

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