Apex City - Hero Practice
Pyctoral strode down the hall of the League's headquarter building. Even though it was a secure facility, it was still customary to stay in mask within, so the muscular wolf was wearing his customary silver domino mask and his snug bodysuit. The red...
An Alternative Nexus Experience (3/4)
Their mere existence was to serve the one whose nanites coursed through their bodies, augmented by the living metal that was the base for their drone bodies.
Point proven
It's arm fur slowly starts to turn silver in quality, as though it as a being was becoming a living metal.
Guardians of Asgard
Aegolius where metal bear and nyra lived metal beak was looking for some papers. » my king what are you looking for« nyra asked. »just some plans to stop those guardiads for good.
The Adventures of Static - The Temple of Gold
"welcome back static," barioth rumbled, the golden, living metal dragon's presence inserting itself into the ferret's awareness.
Escaping the Mansion
The various coils along the wall, living metal around your neck, legs, and tail, aren't helping matters, either.
On Stage
This band is living metal, so when it was put on your arm, it began to form a lattice inside your arm to keep it sitting where it is at." "b-b-b-but this is ridiculous!"
Pop Goes the Weasel
They line up, slamming their tiny hands against the living metal of the fiend, resting their foreheads against its cool sides until it's their time to approach the front. i only made the mistake once. that was back in...
Merlin's Revenge Chapter 23
To robert it looked almost like a living metal statue sat in front of him. anna turned her head in the dragon's direction slightly and a moment later the dragon mirrored the turn. robert got the impression that they were speaking to each other.
So it begins
Praising fur kind that the living metal that made up his arm was not magnetic, he swung the arm energetically, smashing the now stretched metal against the floor.
Nemesis - 1 & 2
Leveille looks down at a silver ring covered in living metal, he picks it up and starts to weep as the human forces start to rejoice at the victory of their freedom. nemisis - 2 "fire the cannons!!"
Starcruiser: First Dance.
That was the basic term and description given them, the enginered and limited produced draikun, living weapons, as much living metal as flesh and blood.