Possession [Non-Canon]
Why the [non-canon] tag? because the commissioner specifically requested that this not be canon with the other stories.if you enjoy my work, then please please please consider supporting through my ko-fi here.
Yogoloth and Cheetahs - Non-canon
Lightning shards crack the sky apart. The cheetah hisses, startled by the thunder echoing through the forest. He licks his muzzle twice, tongue disappearing inside an overly wet muzzle. The fat hare he ate was nothing but trouble. It took an hour of...
Yogoloth and Shelandra - Non-canon
"So my minor fantasy about mating a female on her back while she gives me tail sex in return, might catch Shelandra's attention?", Yogoloth laughed, but a little more nervously. A feminine voice lilted through the air as Kalokin's sister pulled her...
Yogoloth and Storm - Non-canon
Yes... a collaboration... it's totally non-canon, it's not part of the stories. this is just for fun. yogoloth bounds over to storm and shamelessly cuddles her. she makes a sound that's half way between a purr and a trill.
Misha's Non-Canon End
Don't worry, this is purely non-canon. he still lives a long and happy life as savanna's pet._ ================ misha sat obediently in the middle of the stranger's bedroom, tail slowly swishing along the ground.
Maybe It Was Crazy [Non-Canon]
#1 of poeraven | non-canon storyline (kezhon/ravenna) a naughty non-canon for poesraven with kezhon and ravenna! the characters belong to poesraven bang! thunder exploded against the backdrop of the silent, nighttime sky.
Non Canon Chapter 5
Simba hummed to himself while strolling through the savanna. His daily duties were all wrapped up, leaving him with the rest of the day to do whatever he wanted. Strangely, all Simba thought about before was finally finishing up all of his work. But...
Non Canon Chapter 4
It had been a long day for him, but Scar was not quite ready to retire for the night. There was something that he wanted to do first, something that held much significance to him. As the sun set, the dark lion trod through the Outlands' savanna. For...
Non Canon Chapter 3
"I just don't understand it anymore," Zazu admitted to a stranger who was willing to listen to his plight. That stranger was a meerkat who noticed the hornbill looking completely distressed. Timon called the avain over and invited him to sit down...
Non Canon Chapter 2
It was that time again. Time to sate the many lionesses of the Pride. As the current king, it was one of Simba's duties to keep the line going. Anyone else would be so lucky as to have so many females so willing to please their king, but for some...
Wolf's Prey Blurb 1 -- Non-Canon
John released the grip on his fox's neck and opened his eyes as he eased his hips back. His spent dick slid from Kyle's hole with a quiet schlorp and he took a moment to wipe the drips off in his fur before he flopped down beside him. The fox was...
A Star Wars "Scientific" Journal
_ **A Report on the Non-Existence of Midichlorians and the Development of the Ysalamir Projector** _ By Jedi Master Kytori, "Trooper General" of the Black Banthas, 13thArmy of the Grand Republic The Clone War has provided an unexpected boon. While...