. -- aria i grayson didn't like to steal.
Wolf and her Cat
The pair had debated on aria wearing the flowing dress, but eventually agreed that aria should have a tighter dress that way kraxus cant pounce aria at any time.
"smoke if you got 'em," said aria. the badger grunted, and aria went back inside.
Aria and Arya
aria smiles at me hopefully, "fair.. please.
Aria's Love
The branches above him swayed slightly in the breeze, ruffling his hair a little bit as he leaned against the old oak tree. His breath came in ragged gasps as he held a blood soaked field dressing against his side. Looking out over the battle field...
An Understanding
aria had somehow managed to kill another beast, but there were still three left. "aria!" jack yelled, standing up and raising his snugging the rifle in tight to his shoulder.
Punishment by Proxy
aria stated, trailing a hand across the abdomen of her captive.
Stuck in The Cave
"please, aria, give me treats!" "ah, ah," aria admonished, her tone playful yet firm. "good boys don't talk - they listen and obey. do you understand?"
The Promotion (Prologue and Chapter 1)
The ebony colored equine said to aria. "um, this is my wife ms. davenport, callista." aria was starting to get incredibly nervous now.
(Dawn) #005 - The Forest Ahead
aria barely noticed, however, as willow slid the tip of her sweet tongue between aria's lips. aria's own tongue crept forward to meet it, and the two organs writhed across one another.
Mojo to Share
aria quickly sinks into his embrace, her worries quickly fading before him. "i suppose not..." aria responds after breaking the link.
Lab Time
aria waited while the kid moved. "back to #5." ghost was trembling slightly. "i said faster. go back to #4." aria waited an instant. "#5 again." aria took down some notes. "better. now let's see stance #6."