A Micro’s Place
"down and lick," he commands, watching as noxxy quickly complies, shifting onto his knees to start kissing and licking the tips of the enormous dragon's boots. jevin hesitates but noxxy gives him a glare.
Dean found himself being hugged by noxxis in real life, even more surprising was that noxxis was not a guy after all. "i thought you were a g.i.r.l!" he laughed as she sat back and stared at him. "a what?" noxxis asked in confusion.
A Small Vacation
Arnavon frowns, keeping up with me while noxxy and gale stumble into their own sprint. "maybe he didn't see us!" noxxy shouts. "so he just splayed his toes out around us for all that time for nothing?" gale asks. "shutup, gale," noxxy mutters.
Stress Toy
He rubbed his fingers together, before depositing noxxy on his other hand. "we can't have you making noise and distracting me, either. if you so much as chirp during my match, i'll break your muzzle next." noxxy didn't reply; he couldn't reply.
Boot Camp
noxxy was in a world of pain. his arms, wings, and legs had all been dislocated; each bone popping out of it's socket. the pressure was worse than the previous days combined!
Bat Relief
The humid, musky scent fills every breath noxxy takes, leaving him suddenly docile; breathing gently and taking in the humid smell.
Turning Back The Clock
Goodnight noxxy." "..."
Sore Loser
Calm down, noxxy. just an hour to go.." the bat whispered to himself, in a shaky voice. he knew all too well what would happen if he was caught. after, he'd seen what geno did to his other test subjects. ...
Admit it!
noxxy choked out, and stared in disbelief. it took him a couple of seconds before he finally reacted, curling up and using a wing to cover both his naked figure, and his beet-red face.
This would be quite humiliating for poor noxxy. he figured it would be better to close his eyes to at least preserve some shred of dignity by pretending he was simply licking something.. very salty and musky.
Teacher's Pet
<3 ealdian is fa: ealdian noxxy is me! story is by me! "...mister bat? this is the third time i've addressed you." a white and purple bat nearly jumped out of his seat, as a wolf leaned over and nudged his side.
Warm Hearts, Padded Playdates: Chapter 1
When are you gonna be introducing me and noxxy to them? they're too shy to make any friends on their own, i've gotta coordinate all the playdates for them." as he looked over it, vulcan considered the idea of a playdate for finn.