Whiskey Goes on Stage

Inwardly he groaned, rubbing his long, heavy snout, the burly draft horse glancing at the clock. this...this is what a degree in english literature got you. "you're on in fifteen, whiskey!"

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Trials of the tribe

The draft horse handed me a small package and had me open it. inside was a headband and i pit it on. i was very excited then i was kinda sad.

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The long walk home

Instantly tab smelled a surge of masculine musk, as the big draft horse looked at tab's neutered crotch. "he got mine..."

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Sophie's First Experiment

The draft horse grunted and suddenly pulled the filly's head down onto his cock, and she squeaked as her nose hit his pubic bone.

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Horse Play 2

While janine squealed beneath her draft horse, i trotted around behind my red-furred filly, placing my hands on her rump.

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Out to Stud

The draft horse let out a neigh that became a moan as he was pushed over the edge and orgasmed.

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Cops and Rubbers

She casually offers, finally putting the flashlight back onto her belt while resting a casual hand on those wide draft horse hips. "yes ma-i mean officer. my head was just unclear for a moment. i'm fine to drive now."

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Haunted Nursery

Now it was my turn to blush, even as i nervously swatted my little piece of draft horse tail. "um. nothing. just normal stuff." "normal shit?" grey remarked with a laugh, joined in chorus with the others with certain teasing tones.

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The Payout

Demion patiently waited inside the ruins of what used to be a tall and proud castle, a remnant of the First Era, which ended with the Demon Wars. This is why Demion stayed here, for the shear irony. Though the demons, his kin, lost the war,...

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Chapter 8: Time With Old Friends and Meeting New Ones

Time With Old Friends and Meeting New Ones Alesta smiled warmly as she pulled a comfortable cot from the storage area of the room and slid into it laying back peacefully. She took off her robe closing her eyes as she felt the first vines touching...

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The Mare Chair

It was almost inside him, maybe two hours more of waiting-of drinking shire cum and melting into timeless nothingess before the millimeter crawling anal devastator truly made him a draft horse's fuck toy.

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Slave to Karma (day two)

I was a clydesdale draft stallion! i was far from little! "i'm as big as you, liar." "obviously not. you barely reach my tits, remember?" how could i forget yesterday's sexual adventure with her breasts in my face? "you're still dry.

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