Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 2: Kitten of Dust

Though i would not be buried in the hallowed catacombs, i was offered a warrior's death alone. i groan while lifting my improvised chair, having revealed the sting of not getting away completely unscaved.

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Eventide - IV

The sound echoed throughout the caverns and winding passages carved into the living rock of the catacombs deep beneath the earth. a creature knelt at the base of the rocky plinth, its arms held high above its head.

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Biography of a fox #1

On their way through the small catacomb floors they turned around corners many times until shi could no longer tell in what direction they went.

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Chapter 2: A Fragile Alliance

He pulled on what appeared to be a discarded sword hilt, and revealed the entrance to a well lit catacomb. complete with walls of piled up bones, and occasionally fresh corpses.

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BANE - A Short Story

The glow of his life must shine like a beacon in the catacomb. and yet, it paused. instead of pouncing and drinking in his life as it had with the others, it stared at him. stared into him.

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U.C.O.D. Scorn of The Lost: Chapter 9

At the behaku catacombs! this was the room he had stayed in for most of the time when he would briefly leave the asylum to check up on holi and his children! dr. allen had really helped him with that one...

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Team Violet 10: Infrared

As we flew into the dark pipe, i looked back in time to see tenna's lifeless body disappearing into the shadows of the catacombs, along with her murderer.

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Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 2

"i had separate servants tunnels built into the catacombs and instructed them thoroughly on how to use it. they will find a large sum of final payment to them.

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Mages Incubus: Dark Desires

Are there other defenses in place inside the catacombs?" "y-yes... i shall call the rest of my kind away at once!

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Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 4

Needless to say, the rest of the night was fun for them, but left everyone else in the catacomb lair sleepless. hope you enjoyed!

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new guardians part one

Closing the portal behind him dante finds himself in the underground catacombs of mount malefoer following the voices in his head dante finds him self in front of a wall of stone with glowing violet runes creating a seal on it.


Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 2

The voice was gone; the whole catacomb palace went silent. she looked up at him and sighed with relief as he looked down at her. his pupils were dark grey, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. he held her back.

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