Osoliz grabbed the bag from his paws and quickly started to walk out of the exam room, tearing it open in order to retrieve its contents.
Valhalla Industries : The Journey
Even as he watched, the clock was ticking down not minutes, but seconds till the end of the exam.
Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 2
He had nearly been late to his entrance duel exam, causing him to be forced to duel against one of the head proctors, dr. growler.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 2 - Falling apart
He admired watching their cute faces eagerly waiting for him to speak, releasing information about the exam. he cleared his throat. "as you know...today is the final exam...." he started, the crowd was still, silent as ever.
Voracious Appetite
Heading into his exam, peter felt shaky. had he overdosed? he willed the rumbling in his stomach to cease as he walked into the crowded room, every seat occupied for exam day.
Clydesdale Colonoscopy
I'm going to loosen him up before i do my special exam."
Story Snippet - Madeline Motherly
Kyle walked out of the open exam room, looking out at the small waiting area of the burrows women's birth center.
The Graduate [COM]
He'd studied for this exam for days, and was certain that he knew his stuff, but he had to admit that he was genuinely stumped. there was just something that wasn't clicking for him.
Sex Ed
I will retake the exam please." she nods and looks around. "class, what should his redo test exam be? should we let him go to the cafe and retake the test, or should we make him watch; and if he gets aroused take care of him as another experiment?"
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Dawn Seekers! ch.1
Ya wanna get a spot so you can sign up for the exam? i suggest movin' yer black-furred behind!" "w-wha-?!"
The Fox and The Doctor Part 2
Allen moans loudly and grips the exam table tightly. "ahhh! doctor!" allen cries out as he suddenly cums when dr. dog squeezes the knot. he blushes and pants as his seed squirting into dr. dog's maw.
A New Brother Part 19
Troy had allowed the air of romance to take over his thoughts and drake seemed to be encouraging it as the feline started to forget about the looming exams.