The Way of the Pirate: Gold for Blood

"it is a terrible conspiracy indeed. someone intends to rob the _atocha_ of her riches!"

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A Raptor in Radaxian's Court 3 - Pon

They walked into the mountain itself, a somewhat dark ominous place with walls hewn by nature, carved into a wide natural tunnel, complete with terrible creatures courtesy of janken.

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Frostpaw - Chapter 4: Stigma

He had never lacked for company in palace and now he couldn't help but feel alone, terribly alone and lost.

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Unto the Rising Sun

The growls came heavily and terrible as the two great and terrible beasts ran at each other. they snarled, and hissed, claws against claws, blade against had scale they began their long fight together.

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The Prophecy of Two: Prologue

I feel a terrible guilt that you had to give so much all on your own. i fear i have been unable to do anything but maintain this protective spell and observe a few people."

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college days 3

All i remember is a terrible dream i had. i can't really remember that much about it but it was terrible." "hmm. well did you like last night before that dream?" she asked.

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Chapter 4: The Forsaken

She was an evil terrible dragon too but she disappeared for awhile. my father left her for a reason." i looked around and could not believe the ruin, absolute ruin that was before me. it was terrible. disturbing to say the least.

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Hospitality pt.2

#2 of hospitality something terrible has come to the orchard. vaelin sat down against a tree as his husband flew away to look for the source of the strange noise.

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That Place...

Life is full of terrible people doing terrible things. horrible events in a persons life can stain the mind, and pause the heart in time. but even then, life moves on. with or without you, life moves on.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 47

Being all alone was a terrible feeling, because it meant there was no one around to hold you, or comfort you, or tell you that everything would be all right in the end.

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Monkey Future Prologue : Downfall of Mankind

And so it would be, though people wouldn't know it for at least another 21 years, after the terrible, terrible events at the alpha one zoological investigation centre.

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Red Sun and Moon Colliding: Chapter Zero

I am writing this early because a terrible, terrible event has occurred. dime is asleep next to me; she tired herself out crying. one of the volunteers, a young lion... he died. we couldn't do anything to stop it.

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