[Serathin] Out From the Rain (Chapter 1)

Though he was facing minimum resistance from the creature inside danny still had to get used to walking with a new body as he looked out to see if bheni had come up to the second floor in order to investigate what was taking teryx so long.

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A Desert, A Dragon, And A Gun (Prologue)

The creature inside the glass cylinder was unconscious and had a breathing mask attached to its face along with other monitoring equipment. they lab rats wanted to make sure this one would live instead of die like the rest of the experiments.

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Beginning of the End - Ch 2

All this," he said, gesturing to the activity around us, "is the result of concern that the creature inside has been revived, but is being held in there without any way out. believe it or not, they're trying to find a way to save its life."

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The Ocean Side Cove

She ran a paw over her womb and her pubic area, feeling the creatures inside. she blushed a little, but she loved the idea of carrying them.

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How should I know? Chapter 10: Do you know where you stand?

The creature inside the ball revealed itself to be a large purple nidoking that let out a mighty roar as it was ready to fight me. "sir please don't do this i just want to go about my day in peace, i have enough to worry about today thank you."

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Familiar, Part 5 - The Steam Cities Overlord

Jake touched on of the orbs seeing the creature inside kick. "they are alive, can't we help them?" jake looked at andreas. he shook his head no and jake eyes flushed with tears. the only thing keeping these things alive was the liquid they lay in.

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Demon War Chapter 2

A badger said, his golden eyes examining the creature inside the containment device. "yes sir." ross replied, "you heard him! get omega to the armament testing level and release him."

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Unintended Intruder - 07

It was then that abigale realized the creature inside of her had not just been _playing_ with her g-spot, but had actually been connecting itself into her nervous system. as the phallus moved, she could feel it.

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Born Anew Unexpected Meeting (Intro)

The creature inside the ball must have been just as surprised as i was, as a moment later the ball pinged and the red activator turned slowly from red to white.

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King of Dusk - Chapter 4

He didn't want to die, the creature inside him didn't want to die. he felt it growing, preparing. it became stronger, lewis could feel it again in the air and the ground. a power to be reckoned with; and it was him to hold it back.

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Spider Speaker

The shell had apparently been very hard but not very thick as the creature inside wasn't any smaller than the boulder had been. it rolled out before its eight legs began to quiver and flex.

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Commission - The Mercenary

Unlike the worming creature inside her. "sorry sweetie, your time has come." she reached down, twirling the woman's hair around for a proper handhold, pulling her up to her knees, "i'm awful hungry."

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