New Found Fossils

It had been a truly magical artifact, an obsidian spider, covered in runes. upon having it touch her bare skin, it had pierced her body with its sharp legs, but there had been no pain.

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Surpassing the Gods (unfinished)

My magical artifacts were destroyed, leaving me with a load of ancient tomes, which in the right place might solve all my problems, and a simple outfit i bartered for with my broken possessions.

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Cyber Demon

Ash grabbed the second collar carefully, examining it, hoping that the magical artifact would have made its will clear; unfortunately, whatever dark force was inhabiting it, it was dormant, so the demon wolf had to resort to browsing the page.

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Anniversary Dinner

She dealt in ancient and magical artifacts, most of which had been acquired by either herself or victor, her mate. each piece had a story, and she was more than happy to share it with anyone willing to listen.

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Traptap 7: Creature of the Night

Zero warning magical artifact showing up out of nowhere and having serious plot implications. oh, and... rape... i think... i'm like 97% sure it counts. korriana was woken by the roar of a beast and the sound of wood being torn and scattered.

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Mind Control Tales - Orcs Edition 2

But at least this magical artefact might do the tribe some good, even if it wouldn't be through him... but i could at least try it on while i have the chance, couldn't i? the thought popped into his head and he seized on it.

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The Legend of Drailsin: "Really? This has nothing to do with that game. Doofy."

"this is a magical artifact i created. i may not be able to go to realms and such but there is always a way to... 'urge' things along. this helps with that.

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Uncontrollable Corruption (7/8)

magical artifacts and tomes were taken out of the city while weapons and armor were enchanted in order to try and take down the creatures that threatened their way of life.

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A Grave Dare

Her spirit may be bound to him, but without special magical artifacts, he could not talk with her, and certainly not touch her. it would not be for another month before he could spend time with her like this. a hand gently brushed through his hair.

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Children At Work

#134 of transformation patreon reward for deven_drake also featuring bluemoonkin and zeelo a twist of fate leaves deven with a magical artifact offering him a second chance at childhood, and the chance to be something more than human.

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The Spirit of Dalonia - Chapters 00-01

They had heard from an old friend named ilorek that among the 10,000 islands of the ijimulian archipelago were seemingly limitless gems, gold, relics, and magical artifacts to be seen.

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Don't Mess with Minotaur Magic [COM]

magical artifacts aren't really my area of expertise, so i can only take educated guesses." just then, atlas' nose twitched from a scent he'd never smelled before.

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