My Werewolf Life Ch. 6

You can try archery. here try my compound bow." letra held it and was handed a few arrows. caylnn had her own bow she used and put the arrow on the string. as she held back and spoke. "when you shot the arrow force on the target.

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Robin Hood: Skippy Sucks UP

The young rabbit had kept himself occupied that day by practicing his archery. so obsessed was the boy, that he often woke up at daybreak and stayed out until sunset honing his craft.

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Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 1

Though we managed to fend off a little of them due to my survivalist skill and eshdar's archery...and although i don't want to admit it, albreich's demon hunting skills and sammael's viciousness as a demon dog, we were still overwhelmed, and this is what happened

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Poke U: First Meeting

We only share one class together and that is archery with instructor snipes. besides him, i also met a rather unique bayleef as well. his name is nico and he also lives on floor 7.

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Foxes and Plots: A Coons and Theft Tale.

They had gone rock climbing inside one of those huge sporting good stores, and even archery. archery had ended up being one of ite's most favorite hobbies; the man had various bows and crossbows, some dating back to japan's feudal era.

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The time of Ramanahad Pt 1

The archery target had been made to survive worse than this, and stryker ventured back onto the field to prop it back up on a stone.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 59

#26 of lonely oak part 2 | the siblings and the lovers lyza broke away from her brother's hand as they neared the archery range. lunch had just barely ended, and they were the first at the range. "mrs.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 55

And i'll be at the archery range tomorrow, too. got it?" he nodded. watching the boy as he made his way to his tent, kval stood.

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A Wish Gone Astray

He had been this way ever since, too weak to help in his father's field and only able to help with smaller chores around the house and practice his archery. "are you sure, father? i promise i won't be a burden on you!"

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Character Bio's

Name: lucifer michel knight species: anthro brown husky gender: male skills: sniper, martial artist, trained medic, archery expert, swords master and expert, gun master and expert, and college professor.


Silly as it may seem at first sight, these people have been taught and are teaching archery to the students, close-combat knife fighting (for those that lack the need of claws) and of course hand-to-hand combat skills.

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