Exotic Wildlife #3 - Tossing the Gatorskin
Despite the hazing, ashton still proved himself, even through the hazing the gator was able to handle the passes, block the attackers, and even act as a blitzer for the defensive scenario.
Arcadia: Polarised
Whether it's to get rid of the haze or maybe some way to make it so that the haze turns everyone back into a human, i don't know.
Angels and Sinners
"sure" replied tex, taking jet's cue while haze took jethro's. as the two of them were setting the tables, tex turned to jet; "that was pretty sweet when you guys totalled the saruzin." "yeah, it was amazing watching her burn." continued haze.
The Origin of Cygnagons
Mokus, bremlur, pinetail, and swiftrose all wished for noraxia to have the baby without pain, to the extent that a purplish haze enveloped noraxia. the haze obscured her nether region, making the birth not visible.
The Blessing of Siblings (Incomplete!)
I lost the rest of his words as the haze, once again, took hold of my sight and i slowly slipped into a fleeting slumber.
Cthulhu's Grasp
#27 of poetry some poetry i wrote as i was literally driving blindly through a thick haze. this was one of my most challenging and rewarding poems to write, as i wanted 144 syllables; the poem is actually a simple math equation.
Initiation, Part 3
Cove stood from his seat and put his hands out to feel for any obstacles in front of him. When he felt nothing, he took a few shaky steps forward, stopped to feel again, then resumed his course, trying to keep in a straight line. As he walked, he...
The Machine
One by one, other tentacles raise, and drop their own strange parts, pulled from the haze, of smoke and exhaust, dust and dirt, which shrouds this monsters incredible girth.
Arcadia: Exiled
_"i sense a great disturbance and variation in the haze around bulldozer. perhaps he has some control over the haze. while your powers are dependent on your own physical attributes, he clearly uses the haze to manipulate those around him.
Four Horsemen (Part One)
Demetri's mind attempted to contemplate what the horse had said before the haze consumed him once more, falling back into a sleep.
three foxes sitting in a room with a fireplace
haze clouds the vision. particles, separate. she gasps. stifles a tear. particles, separate. ceremony begins. haze unfolds. corkscrew perception winds deeper. he holds you tighter. muzzle to your ear. particles, separate.
Dran and Mist - Chapter Six - Runaway
haze fell back onto the linin, sighing as he could finally rest after the more than intense training session, "doubtful." at least he lied well.