"¿Oh, estrenas traje?" (Spanish Edition)

De repente se volvió mucho más delgado y sus miembros fueron absorbidos hasta que el hombre parecía un trozo de cuerda muy gruesa, su piel ahora roja con algunas rayas blancas en ella.

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caos! capitulo 1

,de seguro algún imbecil cerro la puerta bajo llave por accidente- sin embargo de repente comenzó a salir humo debajo de la puerta. -acaso te has rendido?

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Who is Sam?

She made herself bleed at the end and smashed the tool of repentance against the wall, letting out a deafening cry, shaking her legs and pulling her hair. why did she keep doing this shit!?

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Love's Battlefield - Volume 13

The guilt-ridden want to repent for what they've done and if at some point along that rocky and painful path they actually are forgiven, then hey, that's cool too.

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Empiezan las vacaciones

Anduvo durante un rato pensando en las musarañas cuando de repente un gato negro le llamó la atención. -¿neil? ¿eres tú? -¡primo! -dijo el gato abrazándole- ¿cómo estás? -bien, ¿cómo es que estás aquí?

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The Cry of Sodom: Book II, Scroll XI

Lifting his paws like a feral dog caught by the scruff, lot made himself as small and as repentant as was physically possible.

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Standing Divided: Prologue

Any that refused to fallow the laws of sher'kenth was forced to work until they either repented or died of exhaustion. this action was less meant to force their new worlds to repent and more to lure them into a fight.

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Chapter six: And so his angels of death descend from the heavens and sow death and destruction

These are astartes of the order who repent for their failures. they shall fall in battle." this seemed to interest the inquisitor greatly. "these are supposed to be astartes of the order? real astartes?

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 20

Episode 20: repent for your sins it had been another full day before i could attend to you properly. i found myself upon the sofa in the den, your head in my lap. "i do so hope your days here have been well my pet.

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Forgotten Friendship part 3

"do you repent?" frith asked, stepping forward, so his snout was in the phoenix's view. "i..." he stopped for a moment, thinking about his options before sighing. "i yield. i repent of my actions of dark magic. forgive me." "frith, place the tie."

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Ideas tontas que parecen brillantes

De repente, frank siente la necesidad de ir al baño. le dice a erick y se levanta. el husky se queda mirando hasta que desaparece en un pasillo.

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SPQR Chapter 8

Such was the price of repentance to the judean, who knew that the price for taking a life was that his own life be taken. his sins he had committed in ignorance and stupidity, believing that violence was the solution to life's problems.

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