Tina II Chapter 18- By the pool- A Gray Muzzle story

To give you the best shot at life, we prepared you for life in the human world. sent you to the best human school we could afford. sent you for dance and music lessons. gave you all the tools you'd need to live as a human.

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Your Name Is: Skúmálfar - Chapter 01

Both were trying to find a footing in a human world and failing to grab any kind of social or economical standing. two little toerags without a penny to their name! and that's the bloody problem you see! it was good, too good.

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The Demon in the dark before the Angel in the light (ch 3-4)

The laboratory was in the human world so time went by faster i was amazed and alice babied me even though i had the body of a ten year old boy but i didn't complain it was nice to be held and read to and fed instead of being poked&


The Dark Power of Ikudu Chapter 2

In the human world above us a conveyance of many lives had an unfortunate accident (smirking at this) delivering to us a most bountiful and well roasted repast.

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Coming of the Dragon

I had been the one to notice that the human world was going to be returning to its normal size within a few seconds.

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Thrown Back: Chapter 7

When she wasn't sitting in a room feeling sorry for herself, she was learning; and in the human world she had excelled at that.

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A Wonderful Life (Kreet 5)

Fortunately, the farmer's family were a friendly lot and she didn't suffer from the stigma of being a kobold in a human world when at home or at the farmer's house. her infrequent trips into town, however, were a different matter altogether.

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List of Characters - Pokemon Ranger Series

·**j.b (captain james brook)**: police officer from human world, accidentally trapped in the pokemon world when they returned.

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Tai's Adventure in Diaperhood

One day, in the human world, tai and his friend agumon were happily playing in the park. tai and agumon were really into a fun game of catch when all of a sudden agumon missed the ball. "man! why do you always have to throw it so high, tai?" he whined.

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Shorty: Agumon's Hypnosis

All twelve of the familiar chosen digimon were there, as well as several others that had found human partners and come to the human world since the defeat of vamdemon.

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 3

He's from the human world" "hello." joel took another step away from the cream bear, relaxing when the mother bear did. "oh my, from the human world."

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Group Leader.

Falcomon had learned a lot during his stay in the human world, he had never particularly thought of doing any of this with ikuto, but even in the digimon world, they were able to see these 'games' where males and females would get together to 'play'.

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