Chapter 21 “Hills have eyes”

"you ran around the town just to literally give away free stuff to the kid?" "yeah, rachel. that is not very like you. you all about item management, hell you don't even give discounts." walt spoke a bit baffled by the female fox's behavior.

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Express Lane: Chapter 2, Part 2 - Buy One, Get One Free

And i only use the fat free stuff anyways." "okay, that explains one thing." slowly, felix was getting more comfortable around these two as his fears left him, "but do you usually dress alike?

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And now he was getting free stuff because that might have been inconvenient for him? he blinked and then looked down at his clothes. "uhh yeah. i'll take this then... and these." he held up the spare pair of clothes he had picked too.

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Arcadia: Encountered

If they like ya, they give ya free stuff." "that sounds very... strange." "it is," marv laughed softly. "it sure is..." he once again offered the ribs to the bear. around him cross and lobo were likewise engaging the other members of the caravan.

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Wrong Bride, Right Groom - The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Now, it wasn't that he never got complimentary add-ons to his meals at restaurants, quite to the contrary, when your father is one of the most powerful furrs around one tends to get overwhelmed by free stuff.

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Layers: Predator and Prey

I ain't gonna argue with free stuff." "great, i suppose. come on in, dinner is ready." "jus' a sec. imma gonna put these in the barn." brian suddenly whirled around and screamed, "no!" the cry made troy jump.

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Tales from the Nexus: The Candy Man

"nice guy handing out free stuff just before closing. ain't nothin' weird about it." "doesn't it seem a little... i don't know... like paedophilia to you?" rory regarded the bag of sweets that vaughn was carrying. "a guy offering kids some sweets?"

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Down In The Dumps

I see acres of free stuff to wade through and explore. lena sees an everlasting source of interesting bags and boxes to root through to find all sorts of cool stuff. hidden, special stuff. so what if it's a little smelly, or dirty?

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Yagato Mountain

Don't you see how free stuff like that is sketchy?" \>"no? aren't we meant to help each other to grow stronger and live together? we do it all the time back home. someone has an issue, we try and fix it."

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