They of course had absolutely no idea of how exactly the machine would change them as they figured the portals would just 'bend' them in time and space, thus shortening distances.
1957, Abuse, Abused, Abusing, Adult, Adult_abuse, Adult_sub, Bear, Bobcat, Boy, Boycock, Boydick, Boydom, Boyfur, Boys, Brougham, Bull Terrier, Bullterrier, Cadillac, Cadillac_eldorado, Cadillac_eldorado_brougham, Cadillaceldoradobrougham, Caretakers, Cat, Child abuse, Childfur, Claws, Cock, Cub, Cub_abuse, Cubdom, Cubs, Dick, Dirt, Dommy_boys, Dommy_cubs, Dommy_kids, Dommykids, Dudes, Dusty, Eikel, Eldorado, Enlarging, Enorm, Extreme Size Difference, Extreme_sizedifference, Factory, Feet, Feetpaw, Feetpaws, Feline, Fennec, Fetishy, Fetisj, Foot, Foot Focus, Foot_wear, Footfocus, Footpaw, Fox, Gay, Giant_boy, Giant_boys, Giant_child, Giant_children, Giant_kid, Giant_kids, Giantboy, Giantboys, Giantchild, Giantchildren, Giantkid, Giantkids, Gigantic, Gigantisch, Grew, Groot, Grootst, Groter, Growth, Homoseksueel, Homosexual, Homosexueel, Jonge, Jongen, Jongens, Kidfur, Klein, Kleiner, Kleinst, Lad, Lads, Littleboys, Macro, Macrophilia, Male, Males, Man, Mannelijk, Mannen, Men, Micro, Microphilia, Mink, Minors, Misses, Missus, Musk, Musky, Outgrowing, Pad, Paw, Paw Focus, Pawfocus, Pawpad, Pawpads, Paws, Pawwear, Pedofiel, Pedofilie, Pedophilia, Penis, Poot, Pootje, Pootjes, Poten, Rat, Revenge, Revenge_plot, Ripped Clothing, Rodent, Shoes, Shrink, Shrinked, Shrinking, Shrunk, Shrunked, Shrunken_adult, Shrunken_adults, Shrunkenadult, Shrunkenadults, Size Difference, Sizedifference, Skunk, Small, Smaller, Smallest, Speck_sized, Specksized, Squishes, Stomps, Story, Teensy, Teeny, Terrier, Timmy, Torn, Torn Clothes, Trampled, Tramples, Trampling, Underaged, Underaged_macro, Underaged_macros, Underfoot, Underpaw, Verhaal, Verhaaltje, Voet, Voeten, Voetjes, Vulpide, Vulpine, Wees, Wezen, Writtenwordsontheinternet, Young, Zenobius, adults, caretaker, child, claw, crush, crushed, crushes, crushing, dirty, dude, dust, enlarge, enlarged, enormous, fetish, footpaws, footwear, grow, growing, guy, guys, jeeves, kevin, kid, little boys, manly, minor, miss, mister, orphan, orphanage, orphans, otto, pads, pedo, peter, poor, ripped clothes, shenanigans, shoe, shrunken, sole, soles, speck, squish, squished, squishing, stomp, stomped, stomping, tiny, toe, toes, torn clothing, trample, vulpid, words, written, Ölga