Pathologizing the Daxy

Pregnancy also has a physical toll on woman, their abdomen gets bloated, they get mood swings, sickness from the fetus pressing into their internal organs and other symptoms. human pregnancy in reality is a form of disability for women.

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Fall of the modern age. Chapter 6

Casting spells doesn't harm the fetus. if your wondering. i want to check a few things at the first town. there is an old book store at it. i hope it hasn't been destroyed." tabatha falls back asleep.

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"Family Tails" - Chapter 37

During the scan, it was learned that besides the human child, one of the little ones was indeed a wolf, and the other three appeared to be g.e.l.f.s, though it was difficult to be sure since g.e.l.f. fetuses look almost exactly like those of the animal species

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Choose your own adventure (CYOA), Steel Quest: Intro.

The time is almost come for you to descend, and become the fetus in your mother's womb. you will, of course, have no memory of these events, and your mortal mind will have control over much of your actions.

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In He Ran 2 - Trapped Like A Rat

He immediately ran out of the room, but was halted by one of the jars suddenly falling from the table and breaking open to reveal a pulsing sickeningly yellow foetus, which only made him run quicker.

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Constitution of New Attica

Nor shall any person be compelled by law to serve as an incubator for an unborn foetus; the right to defend one's bodily integrity extends to the right to abort an unwanted pregnancy. **2.2.10** no law shall restrict or hamper the free and peaceful movement

Lost Innocence Chapter 1.

Nbsp; illumanati answered the questions as professionally as shi could, while running her hands over the swollen belly, sensing and probing the unborn foal, checking the heart beat, blood pressure, and any other vital signs in the expecting mother and the foetus

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A Fight to Remember

He fell, immediately rolling onto a fetus position to cover his destroyed gut while spurts of hot, milky cum dashed from his jerking cock. "ooofff..." he moaned when he drew in a shaky breath. "uughh, how it hurts..."

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Star Wolf's New Recruits (Day 1)

"thanks to your enhancements the fetus will gestate rapidly, and after the first trimesters the machines here can remove it from you and take over the rest of the process. supposedly we'll be able to breed you every week!" "why?"

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Bump in the Night 2 - Side Hustle

Hormone levels will begin to adjust to prepare your body for the development of the fetus. side effects may include increased sex drive.

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It is a big boar fetus. and it looks just like max, but its tail is more like mine. our tails are similar except for color and length. my lion tail is longer and has a thicker tail tuft. and this kid has my tail, otherwise it's identical to max.

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Equinox of the Black Rose: Take me to Church!

I thought an aborted fetus was depressing, but that was way darker." she replied, sharing in her distaste for the bleaker aspects of life.

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