H&DP: Junkfood Dog

Dominic had just started his job in the scrap yard a few months before, so he drew the short end of the stick when it came to working thanksgiving.

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Kr00 Virus - Aftermath

Finally then he found a good enough scrap and he wrapped it around his wrist alongside the others. 10 scientists and 25 guards. he liked the guards because they put up more of a fight.

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Predator Planet part 1

They had not forgotten that it was the creatures who brought them to this planet in the first place but they did not figure out why as one of them sat next to his friend before placing the scraps of armor aside.

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MakiaVi: The Frozen King - Chapter 5

Attached to a broken plank under the remnants of her desk was a scrap of elise's blue jacket. "dear gods... no..." zan whispered. he grabbed it and fell to his knees trying to hold back tears. the rest of his team gathered around him.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.7

There was just this one cluster of scrap between her two selves, and her ship-self had not thought of engaging the dark energy tractors.

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A Massive Aquatic's Visit

The bus became submerged, swallowed by the tossing lake around it as the wolf could do nothing but cling onto any scrap of the bus he could reach.

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MLP hoarding is magic by rosedust

And as for little bits or scraps, do you really need them? most of this isn't exactly rare or hard-to-get cloth.

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Static Memory Record 77-74656

Robots are often scrapped intentionally as they become obsolete or to prevent their neural nets from destabilizing, whereas biological systems cease to function very much of their own accord.

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Goooooooood Doggie!

Confused, she searched for the scraps, looked for something to seize, to eat... but not a ribbon of tasty meat was thrown in for her to fight for.

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Preview of Story: Mewtwo's Unexpected Awakening

Will move to scraps after a while. it was a pretty normal day for me and my pokemon, doing chores about the house and such.

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 10

Not even a scrap of potato or tasty breading. condiments were scattered everywhere, as well as utensils and other tools. getting out was just as easy as entering for her. she went to the ivars one door over to find the place emptied just as thoroughly.
