Dawn the Dragon Bunny: Southern Belle Covered in Sauce
Episode five: southern belle covered in sauce thursday 4 pm 04/05/1997 dawn was in his room and playing some music from his computer. real big shrimp, some ska band that was pretty good.
Summer's Early End
The final two weeks of summer went by quickly. My mother went to work at her job at Universal Studios - she was a marketing manager who happened to hit it big. That was part of why we were here. That and her engagement. Fortunately, I found that I was...
Red River Tales: The Middle Kingdoms (Skyrim Mod Project)
The map in the mod will only be of the middle kingdoms, but future expansion ideas will allow travel to the eastern kingdoms (russia), the southern isles (italy, malta, and sicily), and the old east (northern africa and part of the middle east).
Blood and Shadow- Chapter 2
Hybrin then began to undress, pealing off the layers of cloth that the southern tribe gave to him for this journey. he folded and set each garment on the chair sitting next to his desk.
College Years; Chapter 1 - In the South
It was the happy paradox of the northlands... something that southerners flatly refused to acknowledge, standing by their prejudices. young as he was, killer had already experienced the hate of the southerners in its most vicious expression.
Hopeless Liberation (PJ sequel) Chapter 1
It also didn't help that the southern kingdoms had been taxing the north ever since, driving many commoners out into the streets to become beggars.
Effects of Heat
That southern accent seth had, the way he drew out his words, the drawl of it all, it always did wonders for him. even after five years of living up in the north the dog still held his southern drawl, and he loved it.
A Silvergate story (Chapter 1/11) - Duel
The great lush plains were littered with mills, producing enough flour for almost the entire southern kingdom.
Hollow Darkness
Luther smirked at this, noting that anybody else would likely, if placed in his position, choose banishment over a southerner and nephil.
Envoys and Diplomats
southern wolves were matriarchal, the southern wolves patriarchal. the humans who lived there were of two cultures. it was divided into two main cultural boroughs each with their own respective clans. borough one was foreign to the continent.
UNFINISHED - Failed AGNPH Fics Contest (October 2013) entry
The 'king himself worked at the southern suburbs of sandhurst, a little place called sandringham.
New Earth: Collateral Damage pt.2
This is southern horizon we're talking about. you know.. only a couple billion inhabitants." "this is an ancient demon we're talking about.