Not So Retired Any More XI
#11 of not so retired any more chapter xi - cats and mice the last time they'd entered the favela, they'd been on a time limit.
Natural Wonder: Chapter 2, End to Restraint
It felt as if he were playing cat and mouse, and his mouse was slowly drifting closer and closer. a shiver played across his shoulders and he couldn't help but smile at the pleasing thoughts in all of their naughtiness.
A Swingin' Snow Leopard's Soiree
They conversed over instant messenger initially, and as niv plied his ample talents at flirting and teasing, he knew that their game of cat-and-mouse lay just atop an undercurrent of sexual want, and he was certain he'd be burying his bone in bunny butt before
[CAM] Chapter 8 – Baby Steps
#8 of cat and mouse game hello fans, first i need to apologize for the long delay. i don't know where all the time went but it runs through my fingers like sand. i hope you like this chapter nontheless and i try to be on time next month.
Xi and Hibuki's Encounter...
The game of cat and mouse was still being was just now that the mouse had just gotten eight hundred pounds bigger as well as meaner.
Shackled Instinct
Even the game of cat and mouse as her fangs extended in want, her tongue following along in the wake of blood, and the gentle sucking of lips as chains rattled in the dark.
Every Thorn has its Rose
"sort of like cat-and-mouse, actually. you'll be the mouse, and i'll play the cat, of course. we'll see how long you can evade me this time, bunny boy."
A Multitude of Stars... Chapter 9
We were actually looking for him as well," i replied, trying to keep myself from making any cat and mouse jokes. "he wasn't there to teach our class this morning."
Jordan the Homophobe (Part Two)
"where going to play a game of cat and mouse." jordan says, smiling down at me. the lion pads over to me and picks me up and places me on the bathroom floor below. "and i'm the cat."
Separately Together
The cat and mouse game of tonsil hockey went on for quite a while. so long in fact that they were finally interrupted. "my, my niños. get a room," quetzal chuckled as he stood watching the amorous siblings.
Chapter 36: Rise to the Grave, SkullGreymon.
Skullgreymon become very bored by these cat and mouse game. he grabbed holydramon by one of her wing, beelzebmon by his waist, rosemon and ankylamon by wrapping them with his tail. beelzebmon struggled to free himself.
She sighed and said, "well, he's cute and all, but all this cat and mouse stuff is starting to piss me off." zack ran out of the cave, and turned to see if she was still following him.