Wild Horses Part 4 Midnight Rambler

I led bouki over to the tack area. i saddled him and put his bridle on, then led him out into the yard. "bouki, this is the last day of my long weekend.

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Red Twilight World Walker Chapter 12 A Plan for Attack

Harm tacks advantage of the momentary distraction to turn himself into a blanket of flies and move out of seeker's grip "i have magics that may be of value in this pursuit."

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Rock Dog: Mixdown

Plus, she had tacked a couple hundred notes to the walls with song ideas and corny inspirational quotes, along with concert flyers from the park and band posters from her childhood bedroom.

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Making A Horse - 3

One day, when your boyfriend offered to fully tack you up, your whole body let out an unexpected spasm of anticipation in response.

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An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 4.

If there were other charkan warriors watching i may have taken a different tack - that is if the requirement to make them fear us. but even if that was the case - who were they going to tell?" "you were seen whispering to him - likewise explain."

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All Your Beds...

Grant murmured as he stopped at the front door of his dorm block, a picture stuck to the door with a thumb tack upon which a purple caped, rather low resolution wolf was looming forward with the words printed beneath his grinning face.

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Simba lerns a pain full leason ( vore)

Simba roared as he tacked sin to the ground ,swiping him with his claws. sin yelled in pain,as simba bit him in the neck as he scratched simba neck. nala then charge simba knocking him of sin,as she stood as a guard for the wounded cub.

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Isan Dawn: Chapter One

I spent the next fifteen minutes getting him ready for the day by getting his tack on and checking his hooves for health before mounting his back and walking him out of the stable.

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Earthtotem Series: A Park To Remember (Chapter 1)

"i'm doing well" sin replied, quickly tacking on "but i need to continue walking if i'm gonna finish my walk and wake up in time for work in the morning."

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Kaiya, Chapter the Third

I eased bastion's tack and saddle, unpacked gear, thought the better of building a fire. blankets would be enough. i wanted sleep.

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Born to Serve - 06

She then ate half of the orange, crunched into the barely edible hard tack, and then washed the foul flavors down with the other half of the orange.

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The Dream Collection (Illustrated by Unifawn)

Similarly, the wolfess felt a lack in that she had no pack who could cover her back, so ame's tack was to yak about how the black haired lupine was one attack, one whack or one smack away from being a snack!

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