The Patchwork Soldier part IV

Despite the colony's tremendous water wealth, she was as poor as dirt.

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Drake makes a family

When drake did die, he was rich and most of his wealth was stripped. i was still legally mated to him and got 1 percent of his wealth and let it grow. when you live forever, you get rich relatively fast, like about two hundred years of interest.

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Extra Chapter: Good Fathers

He didn't want me to want him for his wealth. he didn't want you to like him for his wealth either. he wanted my family to accept him for himself." her eyes glittered sadly.

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Chapter 6: Screams

He owned three caribou - which tala had quickly come to realize was a sign of wealth in the winter village - and his home had two stories, as well as an extended dining hall and balcony. that all this wealth could belong to a widower flabbergasted tala.

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What You Desire

wealth. sex. all things that beings desire and spend their lives pandering for. many fail and few succeed. it's good that you do not die easily and have had many lifetimes to achieve all that you have striven for.

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Together a dream but as with all good things an end came to my wishful thoughts the day when it all changed you spoke of another, one who had stolen your heart and swept off your feet a man of class and wealth

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Furs in one of the previous towns had spoken excitedly of how soon great wealth would come to everyone and even the sword would no longer be needed. the tracks he stood on began to rumble lightly.

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Home for the Holidays

They hadn't been forced to live and be raised by two such money-obsessed people, people who had obtained their wealth through nothing more than chance... a big win on the lottery, and from that moment forth had devoted every waking moment of their existence

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Recaptured -8- Freed (Epilogue)

The oasis has effectively turned consensual sex slavery into an honest trade that brought as much wealth to their society as any other trade they could provide.

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Fire and Ice - Chapter Two - A Thorn Amongst The Roses

Oh, do not get me wrong, i am not adverse to wealth, indeed - i once had more wealth than i knew what to do with, but when i lost my mate, i left it all behind me.

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The Night CH.1

wealth, wealth is nice. it's nice looking like you are wealthy. you know what my favorite things is about my new line?" i took this chance to sneak out of the crowd as crutamal kept on talking.

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Galactic Ranger CYOA Part One

\*wealth-whether from investments or other methods, the character has a much larger stash of personal wealth. the most obvious benefit of this perk is being able to afford just about any object or good one fancies.

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