Starting a new life - Commission for Baffels (m/ff domination)

The sun had barely crept up over the tops of the trees, only a little bit of the early morning heat washing down over the two furs that had just stepped into the national park, leaving aside the bustle of the city, the crush of people and the roar of...

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Starting a new life - Commission for Baffels (m/ff domination)

The sun had barely crept up over the tops of the trees, only a little bit of the early morning heat washing down over the two furs that had just stepped into the national park, leaving aside the bustle of the city, the crush of people and the roar of...

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Runaway Experiment Redux - Part 7: Domination (Ending B)

Though there were still a few scattered remnants on the surface and even a few resistance movements, the super plant and its young now dominated the world.

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Listener and Stormscry - Chapter 1

Challenges for territory or treasures led to fights of dominance, and stormscry's clan absorbed another.

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My Little Pony: Domination Is Magic: Chapter 1 - The Big Mistake

Controlled by a single, dominant dragon master. a literal orgy was needed, a simultaneous climax and then... all that power flowing through them.

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