The Patchwork Soldier part IV (revised)
I was sitting in the command deck of my flagship, the nautilus, crammed into what was possibly the most uncomfortable command chair ever.
The Patchwork Soldier part IV
I was sitting in the command deck of my flagship, the nautilus, crammed into what was possibly the most uncomfortable command chair ever.
A Twin Pleasure
"no, no, we'll do a selection now, other models will do the rest, but since you'll be the faces of the flagship launch, we'll take enough to last so that we can release them over the next few months," the rottweiler explained to me.
Through the Horizon: A Path Forward
His ship would be the flagship of the battle. besides being the most advanced ship in the empire, his presence at the front would help inspire his people to fight harder.
Angels and Sinners
Blue squadron had been on route to attack the venomian flagship when they had encountered a full squadron of invader mk iii fighters. the plan had been to begin a hit and run attack, before continuing to the enemy heavy carrier.
Krystal and Chase: Hidden Threat p1
As you two are aware, these are designed not only to take out defensive shielding systems of flagships and carriers.
Commission: Controlled Chaos
Unlike the wonderful death egg or his egg carrier, he was relegated to small hideout underground as his robots struggled to build a new flagship.
The Fox and the Feline - Chapter 2
Vulpine_supercarrier_ _cnv vigilant_, flagship of _battlegroup layan qasim_ the massive vulpine supercarriers are a force to be reckoned with.
Convention center and fill it to the brim with vendors, booths, displays, models, hands-on experiences, seminars, featured guests, reading series, how-to and diy events, and anything and everything else the company could throw at "the future of kink," it's flagship
Praetorian: Chapter 7
The damn computer assumed you'd die aboard that flagship. you were supposed to go down with your ship just like i was supposed to blow up with that reactor in my sim. you didn't.
Star Trek Invincible
With the help of the sirens' advanced cloaking technology, they had been successful in shadowing some of the most advanced ships in starfleet including the flagship, the _uss enterprise_.
Trailblazer Part 13
Onboard circie's flagship, the two twisted mystics are on board the bridge, the cults are extinguished and the two beings they have been following can no longer bestow upon them their 'divine gifts'...