Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 19: No Rest for the Weary
In the scheme of things however, alton's injuries were far less severe than the gorilla's.
The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 5: Tension
The gorilla blinked. "i pilot the golras and blow stuff up." pigma did one of his exaggerated, obnoxious laughs again, his belly shaking slightly as he amused himself. "that's it, gryloc! simple right?" the gorilla nodded.
The Demons Gamble Part 15
The gorilla asked, while lee paused ever so briefly in his writing.
Animorphs: Lost Journal 5.5, Chapter 1 - If At First You Don’t Succeed
I only had 8 morphs: gorilla, osprey, dog, wolf, some sort of fish, dolphin, seagull, lobster (that was a blast), and i don't even want to think about ants.
The Perfect Birthday Gift, Part 4
No matter how much raze tugs away even a bit, the bounding gorilla still lives up to its name thus keeping the male more frustrated than usual.
Cooper Clan Secrets part 1
The gorilla pointed his flash light inside the trash can and showed her a sight that made both her and sly sick to their stomach.
The Perfect Birthday Gift, Part 2
The gorilla is on the back, should the boys have it move somewhere else?" "best leave it there for after.
Pj and Pete chapter 5
The gorilla grabbed pj by the shoulder and slammed him into a row of lockers. for a few moments pj was at a lost at to what to say.
My Gym Partner's Bro, Cum-Laude (Part 2)
The young gorilla expelled gallons of air. "many variables combined to have me seek you. the adults have all been ushered, it's counterintuitive to view the proceedings from nosebleed-elevation, and...
Pj and Pete chapter 16
Caressing the shorter man's cheek the gorilla came to a realization of his own. he was really glad that he had finally "manned up" like mr. d had said and asked pj out.
Animorphs: Lost Journal 2, Chapter 3.5 - The Uninvited Guest
I almost transformed into a silver-back gorilla then and there, ready to break their door down and save them. jake had said we were crime-fighters, right?
Dare Party With the Frat 4
Egil lead the gorilla off the couch to where the wolf was standing. "so uhh... how should we start this?" warren looked at the big gorilla in front of him. "wait where'd egil...".