FantastaGirl vs. Dr. Cyberclaw

This is a story commissioned by train, featuring my collie girl superheroine, fantastagirl, taking on his supervillain dr. cyberclaw in a case that hits closer to home than she would like. hope you all enjoy!

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Cyrnos New Hero

Cyrnos' New Hero Written by: TiranMaster Commissioned by: Vyrnen Stepping off of the shuttle, Diesel felt himself shivering with excitement, unable to believe his luck as he realized that he'd not only left earth for the first time, but also...

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Rampage's Rampage 2

Because of how close this plane of existence is to the realm of the divine, its greatest servants were brought here as well to see to the administration of priestly duties. The woman in the robes is a priestess who serves the goddess of sex....

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Zodiac Blues - Leo

It had been not long after an encounter erhaben and skyline had had with hell painter, a luxembourgish supervillain with the ability to impose his art on reality.

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Tales from Silicon City 13: Reunion

Getting her luggage through customs was mercifully short, it took longer for the customs officer to say "welcome to america" then it did for them to confirm that yes, she was a japanese citizen vacationing in the united states and no, she was not a fugitive supervillain

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In The Name Of Velocirapture - Chapter 4

It didn't take a genius to realize that this was exactly what the supervillain was looking for, and after a bit more scouring, found an upper and a lower portion of it.

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Chapter VI: Inferno, Part Two

"good job, find whoever is doing this and get the supervillain, three hours, one supervillain or if not your entire section will be removed; all precincts of the outsiders in new york, all four of them." the director said as he shut down the call.

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Re-Theming Nor

The city was teeming with actual superheroes, and consequently supervillains, and many of them had a tendency of just swooping down when someone least expected it.

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Chapter IX: Laugh Out Loud

Counselling was provided but it would take more than just a few days to get over a supervillain attack. plus, with every supervillain attack - especially one from an anonymous source - there came the rampant suspicion and alienation.

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NC #4: Downtime for Dastardly Folks

Downtime for Dastardly Folk November 4th: A Villain Enjoys Some Downtime Creation powers had many perks, but one of the best was that you never needed a lair. If push came to shove, you could just make one, and Latexia had...

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Cyrnos New Hero: Updating the Software

Cyrnos' New Hero: Updating the Software Written by: TiranMaster Commissioned By: Vyrnen It had been three or four days since the incident with The Influencer, and Diesel found himself sitting on his bed unsure of what to do. He'd called into...

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Working with Criminals 7 Explanations and Escapade

There were restaurants that were used as hidden clubs for supervillains back home, but that, too, was probably different out here. but there was one place that was exactly the same.

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