That Boy is a Monster

There were also bitter memories as well. like when rock left for college and didn't tell me. or when i was lonely and check my phone constantly for messages from him, even though i knew he didn't have a cell phone. eventually, i just moved on.

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Governor Pussy

Normally he didn't watch lord valric with his conquests... as the bitter memory of his own ravishment at the lion paws upset him. but something had changed... the lord governor was very different now.

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A Soldier's Memory

The hell he faced coming in from the sea and the chaos occurring on the beach left a bitter memory. still, brett remembers it all. how he had met kihara jansen not too far from the beaches. his words of courage and console.

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Elements of a Shattered Past, Chapter 14: Decision

I took a breath and forced the bitter memories down. "okay," i answered, "i'll talk to her." julie apparently caught my expression, another glare cast in my direction. "if you do the stupid thing and turn her down," she warned, "turn her down easy.

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The Three Versus

The bitter memory of ursula's breath brought it back into his mind. he sat bolt up right, rubbing the spot where the syringe had penetrated his skin. it didn't ache, or sting. there was something suspicious about that... he looked around.

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The Human Species Ch. 54 - No Man's Land

Both lucario and zerobi recognized the pokémon as a mankey, the bitter memory stinging lucario's face like tiny scratches and reminding him to not drop his guard.

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Hypnovember - Day 22: Straight to gay

The hall of lockers brought back bitter memories; the laughs and fingers pointing at him as they mocked his body or the joke some idiot played on him.

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Sara's Story - Chapter 6

I realize i must have been lost in the bitter memories for some time. i look at her, when she sees my tear filled eyes, she gives me an encouraging smile. i turn back to the pots.

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3:19 Beyond Committed

The angered feline spat, bitter memories of isis and her business spilling into his head. "what if jenna were taken from you, used in the most horrific ways, while all you could do was sit back and watch?

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The Lost One: Return

Sam sighed at the bitter memories of her changes, "it didn't take as long as you would think. name is sam." the girl took the offered hand with a giddy shake, "anna. pleasure to meet you!"

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The Misadventures of Lucky- Chapter Two

Lucky grimaced at the floor, bitter memories surfacing to match the taste in the back of her throat. "so, what did you learn from it?"

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Ch. 84

Arceus, but that brought up a lot of bitter memories. she'd deserved better. she was the reason i knew the truth about my sister, what a monster she was. what alcyon went through, nobody should ever have gone through.

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