A Change Of Heart CH3

The otter woke up, his eyes barely wanting to open as he lifted his head off of the pillow it rested on. Sebastian groggily looked over at his alarm clock. It was only a half hour past five, and the sun wasn't even up yet. "God dammit.." he said as...

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A Change Of Heart CH1

It was the middle of October, just a few weeks before Halloween. It was shortly after 4, as the sun was halfway down is descent towards the horizon. At the nearby highschool, many young students were rushing inside after their practice ended an hour...

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A Change Of Heart CH2

It was around 6 at night, as the otter had just arrived at his two floor house. It was a normal, middle class home, except the fact the grass was quite long and it seemed some cardboard was covering the front window. Sebastian didn't hear any yelling,...

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A Slight Change of Heart

As his last superbark continued to resonate deep within the labyrinthine storm-sewer tunnels of Calico's weapons research facility, Bolt felt a sense of gratification as it slowly faded into silence. He inhaled deeply, relaxing his stance as the only...

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Nissandra - A Change of Heart

**a change of heart** written by: skabaard nissandra sardivani knelt before the altar of the deity whose religion she represented, deep in quiet contemplation.

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A Change Of Heart: Eve of Darkness

#3 of a change of heart: battle for retribution. author: dragonmercx4 (sexually corrupted...) [disclaimers for games and digimon and whatever else other people came up with that i'm using as spring-boards...]

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A Change of Heart: Meet the Team

#1 of a change of heart: battle for retribution. a change of heart: meet the team. author: dragonmercx4 (dirty man.) warning, none under 18 may read. digimon are not mine, the rights of them go to their owners, not me.

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Change of heart Ch.2

CHAPTER 2 A couple minutes later I'm out the door waiting at the bus stop 2 blocks down the street. I light up a cigarette and take a long drag on it breathing in the nicotine, my ears perk up and I notice a couple more people start showing up near...


Change of Heart Ch.1

CHAPTER 1 I wake up at 6:15 A.M. to the sound of my alarm clock blaring away. My head instantly started pounding, like someone took a brick to it. I reach over and smack it off the night stand as it falls to the floor and stops buzzing; my headache...


Ms. Fortune's Change Of Heart

This is another requested story for Felldramon. This is a story based on "Toonstruck" where Dr. Nefarious captures a human boy and wants Ms. Fortune to read his mind, onche she does, she sees all the losses the human has suffered and Ms. Fortune...

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Deviant Delights #5 - Change of Heart

Amon and Ortun turned to face the voice that had addressed them. While Amon had already cloaked himself and Ortun's aura pulsed around him, they did not see who was there until Dylann nodded toward the entrance. As if responding directly to him,...

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