New Journey Chapter 18: Solaceon

No more crazy stunts. my heart can't handle another scare like that." seth said. "first of all, you," she pointed a paw at him. "were the problem. i can dodge a bullet. second, we both know we can't just live a peaceful life.

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Chapter Two

"i want all of you except for braxton to come, i don't want to mess up his chances of going to college with this crazy stunt that we're about to pull.

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Event Horizon: Chapet 1 Approach

The next day was a biter december day that caught the three of them meeting up at evolu's house either to got out or to do some crazy stunt that tagards had convinced the, to do. "come meager peasants.

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Wild Horses

Chris, this is some crazy stunt." "i had to get you alone, dave. i wanted to show you something." the limo slowed to a stop on a cliff overlooking bay city. "we're here."

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Separately Together

Technically this was her first time and though she had lost her hymen to an insane stunt done as a child and though she played often with a dildo modeled after the very penis she was atop, she still felt a sense of performance anxiety.

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Treter: Neecer

As much as i just wanted to stick around the alleyway and see all the crazy stunts pulled here, i did have an objective to deal with however. for thus, i pulled myself away from the alleyway and head towards the next one.

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1 - A Voice From The Other World... - Chapter I

He knew he never should have let himself get talked into this crazy stunt. pulling a prank on halloween, sure, that was one thing. but going to the most haunted house in chicago?

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Rematch, Chapter 5

_ she had no idea what sort of insane stunt the girl might pull, but it could be jack's only chance at survival. one of silas's men approached arcee with a saw designed to cut metal, and june's heart lurched again. _wake up, arcee!

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Friends Forever

Some of the guys went over to drew, asking if he achieved some insane stunt over the summer break, or if he was going to see the new action flick at the movies friday.

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Obamon Meal 7

You see the old school cartoons were considered golden age cause they were able to get away violent and insane stunts that would land modern day toons with ten to life in a maximum security toon jail.

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The Legend of the FinalGamer 6 - City Limits

The two older boys pondered to themselves carefully, thinking of any particularly crazy stunts they did. the desert rolled by their windows, catching none of their interest, orange afternoon sands with barely a cactus in sight.

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Parent-Teacher Meeting Part 2

"yeah, there's someone else with us," gavin admitted with some reluctance, an emotion lucy had never seen on his face no matter what kind of crazy stunts he offered him in bed. was he ashamed of being on a polyandrous relationship?

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